17 November 2009

Posted by DMC on 17 November 2009 in Diary |

I wore my specially designed thermal wrap round drawers, made for me dear Janet Bingley, under my kilt for my weekly walk around the golf course. They were very effective and I’m delighted with them.  Although I did have elect the assistance of a club member to adjust them after I had been to the loo, at one stage, so some slight alteration in their design, is necessary.

Again I managed to walk the complete course with very little resting on the way, so obviously my legs are still holding up. However, sadly for the first time, I was unable to feed myself and the club secretary, Scott Ballantine, kindly stepped into the breach and wielded the spoon for me. This was particularly disappointing as I had designed a simple strap system which attached to my left foot, went through a loop in a neck collar, and onto attached to my right hand. The idea being that as I stretched my left leg my right hand would rise to my month. It almost worked but was not quite right and as one member said it’s ‘back to the drawing board.’ I shall persevere with this because I really believe it will work.

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