28 March 2009

Posted by DMC on 28 March 2009 in Diary |

Three useful gadgets arrived today on permanent learn from AbilityNet. A carrot shaped vertical lever mouse with a left kick button on the top. Pretty easy to use and certainly easier than my built-in laptop mouse. There also appears to be a foot controlled version with which I’ve yet to get to grips. They also […]

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26 March 2009

Posted by DMC on 26 March 2009 in Diary |

I had my quarterly assessment with Dr. Allen and his charming support nurse, Joanna Sassons at Addenbrookes today. I asked the doctor to take an educated guess as to when I’m likely to lose the use of my hands completely. He thought perhaps six months for the left-hand, and shortly after that the right-hand.. I […]

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25 March 2009

Posted by DMC on 25 March 2009 in Diary |

I had a ‘remote assist’ call today with Abilitynet, the computer assistance arm of the MND Association. The senior assessor, who made the call, was extremely helpful and will be sending me some aids to improve my use of voice activation. She is now ‘on the case’ and as my hands grow weaker will provide […]

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8 March 2009

Posted by DMC on 8 March 2009 in Diary |

Grave disappointment. I received the following e-mail today from the Washington professor abandoning my bionic glove project. “Hi Mark I heard you spoke with Jenny. Thank you for explaining to us about what we are thinking about. After evaluation with the team, we have come to a conclusion that your case is not possible for […]

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6 March 2009

Posted by DMC on 6 March 2009 in Diary |

Returned home today having had a great time. I managed, just, with Michael’s help and some understanding stewards on the aircraft. Apart from resigning from the golf club I have also resigned from my last arbitration. It was a very heavy case and likely to go on for some months. Being unable to write legibly, […]

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