30 July 2010

Posted by DMC on 31 July 2011 in Diary |

 Regular readers will recall me raising the question of second-hand disability equipment and why there is no central depot from which one purchase such equipment. As a result of discussing this with a friend of mine he agreed to look into it and see if there was a feasible market that would make it worthwhile […]


29 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 30 July 2011 in Diary |

A quiet-ish day. It was just as well because I had had a bad night with pain in my hip’s and shoulder where there is no longer any flesh. Just skin and bone. I have spoken to.Dr Margaret Saunders who has suggested that I try slow release tramadol at night. My problems with Dragon are […]


28 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 July 2011 in Diary |

  Doreen, my long serving secretary, came in this morning for her routine filing and tidying up session. She must been with me for around 35 years and knows where everything is so I don’t know what we would do without her.   According to the famous Meteorological Office the weather forecast for this afternoon […]


27 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 July 2011 in Diary |

M regular readers will know that I have been having a certain amount of trouble with my voice activation-Dragon Naturally Preferred version 11. Now, I have used this particular program since the first version came out, something like 20 years ago, and in those days it cost around £1000 and, to be honest, it was […]


27 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 July 2011 in Videos |

In the meantime readers might be amused to see this little video on voice activation.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3JcHhA7M-Y  


26 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 27 July 2011 in Diary |

It is exactly one year to the day for the beginning of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Most of the venues are complete, or well on the way to completion, and even it is early stage there is an air of anticipation. Already there have been complains about obtaining tickets for various events. I […]


24 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 July 2011 in Diary |

England starting this fourth day of the Test Match against India, where they left off last night, at 5 without loss, in the second inning, or 193 ahead overall.. They then struggled through to 56 before a clatter of wickets fell. Pieterson and Cooke were each out for one run and Bell out for a […]


21/23 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 25 July 2011 in Diary |

I advise any non-cricket fans to skip this entry as it covers my three days at Lord’s for the beginning of the first test match against India. The 100th. between England and India. As a result there were a great number of famous past players who were to parading around, around the ground, in golf […]


20 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 20 July 2011 in Diary |

Any reader logging into my blog from today will no longer have to read the lengthy introduction explaining the object behind it. Instead I have converted this introduction into a DVD (with grateful thanks to Monti) as much as anything apart from introducing myself to the reader in a much more personal way, it will […]


19 July 2011

Posted by DMC on 20 July 2011 in Diary |

Readers will gather by the absence of an entry yesterday that it was, euphemistically, what I have come to label as ‘a quiet day ‘. Really, nothing of interest occurred, in my life, which I felt the urge to write about. To some extent today also promises to be ‘a quiet day’, in that the […]

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