29 September 2012
A bad start today. While preparing me for the carers to get me up, shower and dress me etc, I choked on some tea and for a few seconds it seemed touch and go.’ My lovely’, who was the only one with me, at the time, thumped me hard on my back and cleared it, […]
27 September 2012
I suffered an attack of nausea whilst Craig, of Ross nursing, was preparing me for bed. (Not because of Craig, I hasten to add, I have the highest regard for this carer) I took the prescribed dose of anti-nausea pills and after a short while the nausea had passed. One of the problems associated with […]
26 September 2012
Colin, not Neil, turned up from Possum to adjust the new controls on the chair to be more patient friendly. He did a good job and then looked at the bed controls, which we call Trivids. One of them only worked intermittently and there can be nothing more frightening than hitting an alarm button and […]
25 September 2012
The crazy weather continues. As we approach the end of the month we are threatened with a full month’s rain one in one. Fortunately this extreme weather appears to be confined to and the Midlands but somehow we seem to have missed the summer somewhere along the line. These areas are suffering from horrendous floods […]
24 September 2012
Coincidentally as I was dictating today’s entry we received a telephone call from the Possum people responsible for my alarm button is – wrists; study chair and bed. We have been asking, for two or three weeks, for these people to come and sort at one during these alarms. The lady calling this morning was […]
23 September 2012
Paul ‘the computer’ came round at lunchtime and, as he is much faster than I am, at least having the use of his fingers, he very quickly started sending out my appeal letter to blocks of names in my address book. As so frequently happens, particularly on a weekend when one needs help, the Blog […]
22 September 2012
This day ,three of Ross Nursing carers, completed the climb of Ben Nevis – the highest mountain in the British Isles- on behalf of the MND Association. Craig, who is my key worker at Ross nursing, seemed loathe to tell me about the climb. As a result he failed to send me any sponsorship forms […]
21 September 2012
I received a call back today from my Papworth hospital consultant, Dr Michael Davies. He seemed surprised that I had not attended my last appointment. There seems to have been some miscommunication over the need for such an appointment whereby if the hospita decided that the whole business of attending personally required a great effort […]
20 September 2012
When the electrical fault manifested itself, a couple of days ago, the culprit turned out to be a small strip light over a built in dressing table. This, in turn affected the circuit from which the bathroom heater ran. I was pleased to learn last evening that this had been corrected and I could resume […]
19 September 2012
Thank goodness I woke up feeling fairly normal and it was just as well I did. Around 4.00 am I was woken by voices. When I called out ‘my lovely’ came and told me that we had a serious electrical fault. We are very fortunate in having an arrangement with Chris ‘ the electrician’ who […]