29 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 30 November 2011 in Diary |

I watched the weather forecast day by day praying for decent weather today as I have missed the last three Tuesdays. In fact, I got up and dressed ready for golf before ringing Debbie, Ollie’s wife, who told me that it was very windy and she didn’t think I should go. I must admit there […]


28 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 November 2011 in Diary |

The beginning of a new week and now only four weeks till Christmas. Inevitably, this year will be slightly different from previous years, which I went into some detail about in the blog, previously -.See Christmas 2009 entry). With half of the drawing-room taken up as a bedroom, sadly the atmosphere will not be the […]


27 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 November 2011 in Diary |

What on earth happened to yesterday?. I sat down in front of my laptop this morning expecting to edit yesterday’s blog and found that I had not written one. What I normally do is to prepare the blog the day before I publish it and then read it through the following morning, make any small […]


26 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 27 November 2011 in Diary |

I really can say that today was not my own. After my early-morning struggle with my Dragon which was in even an even more mischievous mood than normal, Harriet, the boss of Ross nursing, came round to check that all was well and to make one too fine adjustments to the jobs of her carers […]


25 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 November 2011 in Diary |

Readers will recall my visit to the Arthur Rank Hospice some two or three weeks ago where amongst other things I saw wi a pain consultant, Dr Mark Abrahams, a Consultant Anaesthetist in Pain Management, Administered a suprascalar nerve block in my shoulder. In other words an injection above the shoulder. Mark said, at the […]


23 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 25 November 2011 in Diary |

Since I started this blog I have always made a hardcopy which I went out, ‘my lovely’ and for the children before publishing it to the world at large. I had finished this entry early on the morning of the 24th. having written it the day before, then, instead of publishing it, as I usually […]


22 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 23 November 2011 in Diary |

Being a Tuesday I had every intention of going to golf. I had been watching the weather very carefully and today’s forecast was 14° and overcast with light winds. Just about as good as I could get at this time of year. My carers got me all ready to go, my lovely packed my bag […]


21 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 22 November 2011 in Diary |

I had a pretty lazy day yesterday the weather was bright but extremely cold so it was a question of staying in on keeping warm I did my usual work publishing the blog, answering e-mails, writing the odd e-mail thank you – for example to Martin and Winifred Potter, the secretary and treasurer of The […]


19 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 20 November 2011 in Diary |

Son Miles came home last night. For supper en route to his friend George Courtauld who has kindly invited him for a day shooting. It was a fleeting visit and he left early this morning as the carers were attending to me but it was nice to see him as his next visit will not […]


18 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 19 November 2011 in Diary |

I meant to say yesterday, when I was discussing having published an entry without checking it through, that if any entry does not make sense then it must have been published before I checked it through and I would be very grateful if the reader could bring it to my attention. It takes a matter […]

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