30 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 31 October 2011 in Diary |

Carla came in at 7.00 this morning, instead of unusual 7.30, fundamentally to assist Alice in getting me to a sitting position on the edge of the bed without either pulling all my weight on one arm on or straining her. I think we may well make this a new routine. One carer coming in […]


29 October, 2011

Posted by DMC on 30 October 2011 in Diary |

Another busy day. I spent the first three or four hours struggling with the voice activation systems . First, the Windows 7 version until I became too frustrated at having to remember the different commands and then I switched back to Dragon, which, amazingly, behaved very well and allowed me to get most of today’s […]


28 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 29 October 2011 in Diary |

Today was the scheduled visit to the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridge. The object of the visit was to discuss two problems. One, the overnight pain. I have been suffering in my joints and secondly, the wind problem I have in my stomach. Dr Margaret Saunders had pulled out all the stops and I was […]


27 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 28 October 2011 in Diary |

A busy day of people coming and going. Of course, the day started in the normal way with the carers coming in to shower and dress me They were followed, mid-morning, by the domiciliary dentist, Sian, from the Saffron Waldon Community Dental Service, with her dental nurse, Sue. I had a good hygienist session and […]


26 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 27 October 2011 in Diary |

I had the most frustrating days. Today need I say why, it was thilat wretched Dragon again. Paul has stripped most programmes down and reinstalled them from scratch which we hoped would have solved the problem, but to no avail. I’m getting so desperate now that I’m considering switching to the Windows 7 voice activation […]


25 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 27 October 2011 in Diary |

Having successfully effected the Dale Farm evacuation. we are now faced with another protest this time, according to the placards challenging the status quo With the slogan Capitalism Is Crisis’. As Libby Purvis said in today’s Times “Enough of this Glastonbury of grievance” Her main irritation “ is with the Occupy protesters themselves and their […]


24 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 October 2011 in Diary |

Today, Dr Saunders from the Rank Hospice, Cambridge, was scheduled to come here about the night pain in my joints, from which I am sporadically suffering . However, on reflection, she decided it would be better if I went to the hospice, where there are other consultants available on whom she could call. I think […]


23 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 24 October 2011 in Diary |

A great start to the day with an early morning television broadcast of the final of the World Rugby Championship in New Zealand. The All Blacks were meant to annihilate the opposition, France but the French for the final battle and New Zealand only one by 1.1 with a closing score of 8-7. Surprisingly, this […]


22 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 23 October 2011 in Diary |

Last night in bed was the worst ever. Not only were my knees and hip painful for but my left shoulder was excruciating and, in addition, I had a strange pain in the sole of my heel. It was like a red hot poker being thrust into it or large piece of broken glass. Contrary […]


21 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 22 October 2011 in Diary |

The good Dr Michael arrived late afternoon rom Australia (just at the appropriate time to crack open a bottle of champagne! – when the sun sets over the yard arm) en route to Sweden. He’s just stayed the night but will be back in early November. He is very fortunate in that, like me, he […]

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