31 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 31 August 2010 in Diary |

31 August 2010 Yesterday was the August Bank holiday Monday, At one stage, we had thought it might have gone out and had lunch and then decided that the world and his wife would also be on the same track and opted for required then returning catching up.   Tuesday’s come round fast and I was […]


29 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 29 August 2010 in Diary |

  Being a Bank holiday weekend, Chloe, Karl on the three little ones came down to spend the weekend with us. Fred, the oldest, had a very special treat by being taken to Lord’s on a Saturday which as I explained to him was probably one of the best days cricket cricket he will see […]


25 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 25 August 2010 in Diary |

Not one of my better days.  Firstly, my electric UpEasy cushion failed and will need to go back to the manufacturer’s for repair and heaven knows how long that take.  In the meantime we will have to cope with the manual one..  Thank heavens I bought two.  On top of that I found out, by […]


24 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 24 August 2010 in Diary |

I arrived at the golf club today, having been driven by Kit, and need to find that ‘my lovely’ had forgotten to include my bag of tricks this for eating and drinking.  She discovered before I did and poor old thing went to enormous expense in sending them by taxi as she knew how much […]


23 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 23 August 2010 in Diary |

My 2 mnthly check out at Papworth Hospital today after sleeping, last night attached to the Oximeter which, I understand, is designed to measure the amount of saturated oxygen in the lungs whilst one is asleep. On the whole the results were fairly predictable. A general deterioration all round with a rather more serious drop, […]


21 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 21 August 2010 in Diary |

As my computer has decided to behave itself again I am attempting another entry.  There has been a complete shambles over the election of trustees to the  MND Association.  I submitted my application form, supported by two trustees,  well before the closing date of 11th. of June.  I completed the form online  and then pressing […]


20 August

Posted by DMC on 20 August 2010 in Diary |

Utter frustration, there is a 30 sec. delay between me dictating  and the text appearing on the screen. For this reason I shall await the return of my newer laptop, hopefully, on Monday, before making any further entries. In the meantime, I thoroughly recommend reading the account of the Swedish trip – 1Aug-14 Aug


19 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 19 August 2010 in Diary |

Not a very auspicious start to my 77th. year.  I managed to fall off the bed, at 5 a.m., banging my head heavily on the floor.  It ‘my lovely’ almost 1 hour to get me up and back into bed, using a series of low chairs and the rising mechanism on the NHS bed No […]


18 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 18 August 2010 in Diary |

Another milestone. I made it !! It Is my 76 birthday today.  The sun is shining and the weather is fine, unlike yesterday when I went to the geriatric golf day and spent much of the time sheltering, from the drizzle,.in Griggs’ buggy.  Today, however was to be entirely different – a sunshine day.  Both […]


16 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 16 August 2010 in Diary |

I spent a very busy day catching up on all the things that had built-up whilst I had been away.  I also contacted AbilityNet who have arranged for the tea soaked laptop to be picked up tomorrow and repaired. The most exciting event today was booking my flights, and those of the good doctor, to Bangkok for […]

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