16 April 2010

Posted by DMC on 16 April 2010 in Diary |

The die is cast to convert the downstairs bathroom into a wet room. I swallowed hard and accepted the quotation which was roughly twice as much as we envisaged, however, be that as it may, the work will begin on Monday next. It includes repositioning the existing lavatory and providing a new high level bowl, which will make it much easier for me to get up and ultimately to position a wheelchair loo seat. This is anticipating the future a little but being so uncertain it seems sensible to do all the work in one go.

The irony is that, in the recent TV debate between the three potential Prime Ministers, Gordon Brown made a promise that elderly (and no doubt disabled )people who are kept in their own homes will be looked after by the incoming government and the assumption is that whatever is necessary for this will be provided and not means tested, as it is as present. Sadly, we cannot afford to wait as I’m told that as things stand today an assessment can take six months by which time heaven knows what state I might be in.

Sarah, my OT, came round today with some bathroom equipment which, because of the speed  which events have taken place, is now redundant, but she was very sweet  and happy to take it away. She also bought a lifting belt which is placed around one’s waist with two handles at the back. The idea being that it’s less of a strain for the lifter, however, even with the belt Sarah was unable to lift me to a standing position. The stark fact is, that with the loss of  thigh muscles I am a complete deadweight, albeit only  one  of 165 lbs (75 kilos)

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