8 May 2010

Posted by DMC on 8 May 2010 in Diary |

A red letter day and also a black one. First, the good news. Today this blog passed the  500,000 mark and is currently running at around 2000 hits per day. I suppose the second bit of good news is that we have a new government, a Conservative/coalition headed by David Cameron (the being the styled Lib Con as I suppose Con Dem has rather fatalistic ring about it) This coalition has committed itself to a fixed term of five years  although  severe doubts have been expressed as to whether it could possibly last that long -too many concessions to the more leftist Lib Dem could now start a counter action from the right-wing Conservatives.

The bad news is that I was so admitted to hospital today, Addenbrookes in Cambridge, with a fractured  fibula (the skinny bone in the lower leg) I must say in the good doctor Long’s defence is that such a ‘piddling’ little fracture is not easy to detect, without an x-ray, which I pooh-poohed immediately, after the accident. The problem is I’m going to have this fibreglass cast for at least six weeks, during which time the calf muscle atrophy, on what was already a weak  leg. Anyway, like it or not, I am writing this from  hospital bed as we clearly do not have the equipment necessary to hoist me from the bed, or indeed, wheelchair. The staff to do all of this needs to be arranged in the near future.

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