14 May 2010

Posted by DMC on 14 May 2010 in Diary |

Great excitement today. When the doctor was doing his rounds, I suggested that they could perhaps consider some sort of caliper that supported my knee taking the weight off  the lower  leg. The doctor said he would speak to the orthopaedics about it and, as a result, I was visited late this afternoon by the head of the physiotherapy department, and nice young man called Edward and his pretty female assistant Lydia,   tested my strength on a walking frame called ‘a pulpit’.. It is like an ordinary walking frame with front wheels, except I can lean on it with my lower arms,  taking some of the weight from my  legs. Considering the weakness in my arms, and in both legs, I was surprised at how well I managed  to walk a few steps without incurring too much pain. They have left me with my own pulpit walking frame for the weekend to allow me to transfer from chair to bed on my own, and from bed to commode etc   without having to use the wretched hoist. I was so thrilled at being able to stand –  I just couldn’t believe it. The whole of my future prospects have changed yet once again.

I put it to the doctors  that I have a limited walking life left and therefore even if the fracture does not heal perfectly  and I am left with a limp and even a little pain,  both would be a small price to pay for extending my walking life by a few weeks. They understood my concern and against the normal medical  process for getting me back on my feet, agreed to the use of the pulpit frame although, from time being, I can not still only put  the lightest  weight on the cast, but for heaven’s sake, it’s only a week or so since I broke it,  so  can’t possibly complain.


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