14 August 2010

Posted by DMC on 14 August 2010 in Diary |

After the good doctor had gone to the airport to fly back to Sweden, I spent the morning struggling with my upside down,  tea encrusted, laptop.  It was all very exhausting and in the end I abandoned the task.

I think this of  an appropriate  point at which to mention my current physical state at the end of this holiday.  I believe my right arm is very slightly weaker as there were occasions when towards the end of a meal I needed to be fed.  Legs, again, maybe just a little bit weaker but I’m still managing quite well with the gutter frame.  The main difference is in my breathing.  Real exertion is starting to leave me slightly breathless.  I will know better on this score when I go to Papworth Hospital next month. 

Having said that, despite being advised by the doctor following my last visit to Papworth, that I should ask the airline to provide oxygen, the good doctor said, not to bother, nor did I.  Apparently, he observed me during the two flights breathing slightly faster than normal but nothing to worry about. Apart from that not much change

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