20 December 2010

Posted by DMC on 20 December 2010 in Diary |

It’s all looking rather serious for those people who intend to travel at Christmas, with no break in sight in the icy weather. With families due to disperse countrywide to visit their relatives, all such plans have to be on hold. There is absolutely no sense at all in venturing out with young children with the possibility of being snowbound on some foreign road for hours on end. Whether Chloe and family will make it to Karl’s parents and Miles and Kimberly make it here for Christmas Eve, is in the lap of the gods. As things stand ‘my lovely’ has still to pick up our Christmas fare from Waitrose, otherwise we may well have a turkey-less Christmas. As things stand even without a visit to the shops I’m sure we will survive quite comfortably having already received a very nice hamper from Fortnum & Mason’s, courtesy our generous young nephew, Tom Grand.

I received a letter from the MCC (Lord’s) with the forms for priority tickets for next year’s Test matches – India and Sri Lanka.. The letter was dated October but did not arrive until last Friday and the closing date for the ballot for tickets was 10  November. Have not missed a season since I became a member in 1976 you can imagine my alarm. I telephoned the assistant Secretary, Colin Maynard, who was not in today but his secretary kindly referred me to, David O’Neill, in the ticket office, who  invited me to send the application forms in ASAP, which I have now done. I wondered for a while whether I was wise in buying so many tickets this year as heaven knows what my physical state will be by June or July.

However, following my own dictum, Carpe Diem, I must assume I will be able to get to Lord’s some way or the other. Last year I took a dozen or so friends and relations and I fully intend to try to do the same again this year. There are so many wonderful people amongst my own friends, St John ambulance and the Lord’s staff, who are prepared to put themselves out for my benefit, I believe they might almost be offended if I didn’t make the effort. I have already received three long helpful e-mails from Steve (Crocker), the major-domo of the wheelchair access, making it quite clear that he has my interests at heart and is looking forward to seeing me. What kind and thoughtful man.

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