20 February 2011

Posted by DMC on 20 February 2011 in Diary |

There was an interesting discussion overnight, on the radio concerning advances in medical science. They were talking about the use of robots for internal examinations. An advance on pure keyhole surgery. I was particularly interested to hear that they are using these little robots with miniature instruments to perform the removal of the prostate where it is cancerous and in doing so, as they are able to magnify the site x3, they are able to do so with great accuracy without damaging the two vital nerves, close by, affecting incontinence and impotence.

Those readers  who have followed this blog from the beginning, or have made the effort to read it right through, (and I agree that it is a labour of love to do so due to its length in the) will recall that I had a radical prostatectomy in 2000. It was a five hour operation during which the surgeon managed to destroy both of these two vital nerves. So, it is very encouraging to learn that people in my position, in the future, may not suffer the same loss as did I.

As predicted, the trouble in the Middle East continues to build up. It now looks as though it could be Col. Gaddafi’s time to be toppled. The more protesters he kills, and there has been a significant number, both shot dead and severely wounded, the angrier the protesters will become and I believe the end result, to be inevitable. Is this going to be a domino effect throughout  the Middle East, toppling the long-term rulers and dictators and substituting it with what, Islam or democracy? Either way the  outcome could have a significant effect on our long-term way of life in this country.

Comments continue to come in concerning my long entry, 16 February, which peripherally dealt with belief in God. Readers might find the exchange between Karl and myself at the end of that entry of some interest.

A busy week ahead, number of visitors including Chloe and the grandchildren on Wednesday, it being their school half-time.

I hope some of you readers had a go at the Leap Frog test (see the end of the 18  Feb. entry).  I will be fascinated to learn how many of you managed to do it in the two minutes allowed for 9/10-year-old Chinese schoolchildren I have to honestly say that after two false starts, I was lucky enough to manage it well within in the time limit (1min. 12 sec’s).

I have just watched a fascinating programme on BBC television entitled The Human Planet. It traces the growth and control of grasslands, throughout the world, from the earliest times to the modern day, and concludes that without the grasslands the human race would never have existed. I was particularly fascinated by the tribes in Kenya, Ethiopia and Mongolia, all of which I have visited and therefore have some familiarity with. I can thoroughly recommend looking in on this programme through BBC iplayer.

A friend of mine came out this afternoon asking me to look through a Minor Works Contract for the refurbishment of the house that he and his wife bought recently. I was happy to do it; it was quite like old times. Having concluded our business whilst waiting for Alice to return-she having popped out to see  a friend of ours taking advantage my chum’s presence to keep an eye on me – I challenged my poor friend to do the Leap Frog test, which is set for 9/10-year-old Chinese schoolchildren, to be completed in under two minutes (see above) I was amused when he gave up after six minutes although, he is a very bright chap and I have no doubt he would have managed it on the next attempt or two.


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