11 March 2011

Posted by DMC on 11 March 2011 in Diary |

Another international  disaster. This time a massive earthquake in Japan. Something in the order of 9 on the Richter scale.  Another instance of the movement of the tectonic plates. Japan is renowned for the number of earthquakes from which it suffers but most of them are fairly minor and the buildings are constructed with this in mind. However, in this case the earthquake was very severe, something like the third worst ever recorded, and the worst ever suffered by Japan. This was  followed by the inevitable tsunami and thousands have died. What with the massive flooding in Queensland and and the earthquake in New Zealand this year has not started off in the most promising fashion.

I scarcely like to switch from such a massive disaster to my own personal condition. My suffering cannot even begin to match that of the people in Japan but the object of this blog is, of course,  to follow what is happening to me in order to assist other MND sufferers and their carers. I mentioned my recent MND assessment when I told them that my arms and legs were getting weaker. I really can no longer lift my legs, a few inches  horizontally off the bed during my morning exercises, so today I stopped attempting to do so. I am also finding it difficult to turn over in bed despite the new WendyLett sheets, I’m just too weak. We’re going to buy satin sheet for the top sheet to see if that makes any difference. I am finding the walking, or rather dragging my feet one after the other, leaning heavily on my frame, is becoming a real trial and I just wonder how much longer I will even attempt it. I shall await the visit of the local physiotherapist and take her advice. My only reservation being, as I mentioned before, that if I do give up even the small amount of walking I do then it means using a hoist and much more work for ‘my lovely’, something I must avoid long as possible. Whilst I am having a moan I might just were mentioned that the last few nights have been very uncomfortable with the painful shoulder. On a scale of 1 to 10 think I am beginning to rate it as 8/9. The trouble is having had such a bad night I wake up in the morning feeling quite quite exhausted.

Let us complete the misery of this particular entry by mentioning yet another defeat by the English team in the World Series Cricket in India. This time they were beaten by Bangladesh after getting them for to 159  for 8. At that stage it looked as though the match was all over and that England would romp home, however, the two tail-enders hung on tenaciously and hit the winning runs in the penultimate over. Unless England can beat the West Indies, in their next match, they will be packing their bags to come home.

Kit came round to date this afternoon and we play another game of chess and then watched the end of the cricket together. Of course, I lost again. My biggest mistake was losing an early pawn. (When I first dictated this passage it’s spelt the word pawn as porn, so it shows you how carefully one has to read and voice dictated passage!) I have decided that next time Kit comes we will make it more of a lesson than a game, as it really is too one-sided at the moment. However, it was a pleasant interlude

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