25 March 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 March 2011 in Diary |

This afternoon I had the scheduled video conference with Richard Redmond, the Interim Director of National Care for the MND Association. The purpose of our call was to examine the efficacy of lending equipment from the Association to MND patients, in my case a laptop and software. We also discussed the process of training and backup all of which is under review by the Association at present, so the lengthy discussion was apposite.

There is nothing quite like feedback from a patient whose is hands-on, so to speak, or in my case, I suppose voice on! I hope that by closing a number of questions for the Association to consider, they may well be able to save a considerable amount of money both on hardware, software and training in the future.

It was another one of those days with a lot of to-ing and fro-ing. First of all ‘Bill and Ben (Bill and Paul!). the handymen’ dropped in to pick up a list of minor jobs that require doing around the house and office. We are extremely lucky in these two amiable and skilful souls. They can turn their hand to anything and we are extremely fortunate in being able to call on their services. Then, in the late morning, my faithful secretary Doreen came in to sort out the part of paperwork which had accumulated over the last two or three weeks. As I am no longer really active I’m amazed at the amount of bits and pieces I still have to deal with, but fortunately I have Doreen on hand who knows her way around my filing system and therefore requires a minimum of supervision.

I think it’s about time I gave my readers something to chuckle about.

Now, this should be watched right to the end (you think its over but it isnt!).  It is absolutely brilliant for anyone who have travelled by one of those cheap airlines. Any resemblance between the airline referred to in this clip and a an actual airline is entirely coincidental!

Check out the you tube link.


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