5 April 2011

Posted by DMC on 6 April 2011 in Diary |

Being a Tuesday it is geriatric golf day again. However, the weather forecast was not good, a light drizzle, overcast and a chilly wind was forecast, so I decided to skip it this week. After all it is only the beginning of April and will be plenty more opportunities.

I’ve finalised my invitations to Lord’s today. 14 guests on eight different occasions. I hope I’m not being too optimistic. and that I will be able to cope. Most days that good Barry will be taking me and picking me up but on three of the days, when one of my guests is a big strong lad, I shall go with them and pray they do not drop me!. Without wishing to sound unduly pessimistic, this might well be my last season then I make it, so I intend to try and make the most of it.

The last day of the current financial year. I’ve never quite understood why it falls on 5 April, when most of us, for tax purposes make our year end the 31 March, but there you are. From today on the coalition governments changes in taxation, benefits etc will start to impinge one way or the other. They claim that 80% of the population will be better off and the bulk of the pain will be felt by the higher paid. I can see nothing in the current proposals which assist those prudent people who have saved up all their lives and rely on the interest from their savings to supplement their income in a period when the interest rates are as low as they have been for the last 40 years or so

I have written much over the past year about the big bang and the scientific evidence for the existence and evolution of things made possible without the hand of God. It was therefore interesting to read. The reason for lack of faith by Levin’s dying brother, in Anna Karenina, was that the contemporary scientific interpretation of natural phenomena crashed out the possibility of faith

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