25 August 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 August 2011 in Anecdotes, Diary |

Yet another trip to The Cricketers for lunch, this time with Douglas Gordon, who has recently returned from a visit to Canada. Despite the threat of rain we steadfastly sat outside at my normal table so that that I could, selfishly smoke, without a great deal of consideration for my guess.. The people inside must have thought we were stark raving mad particularly when it started to rain and we did not move. However, the rain was short lived and the sun came out, so we were vindicated.

It was great to hear from Douglas about his recent Canadian trip but I found myself a little embarrassed as he had been reading, on my blog, about the problems I’m having with Dragon. I have been such an advocate for this particular voice activation software, over the years, but now I am confessing publicly to its failure I feel some responsibility towards all those good friends of mine to whom I have recommended it. I have another ‘voice assist’ session with Ruben of Nuance scheduled for tomorrow morning, so pray he can crack the problem for me at last. I must say this about the Nuance technicians, in particular, Ruben, they are the most polite, courteous and patient people I could possibly hope to deal with, the only snag being that they have not yet been able to resolve my problem.

I pray Ruben manages it tomorrow. As much as anything the problem is that my arms are getting so weak that I’m very close to the point where I will be 100% reliant on voice activation so it is imperative I get to that stage before losing the last bit of control I have with the one splintered finger.

I’m sorry it has been such a boring entry sign including a little test for you to do to see how good are your reactions. Simply clicko on the entry below REACTION TEST 


  • Theresa Long says:

    Life would be so much simpler if Ruben made an appointment to visit you instead of remote support which obviously is not working. You are really one very patient gentleman. Your entries are interesting and helps people to understand your predicament. My brother-in-law who lives in the West Midlands, is at the similar stage of MND, my sister looks after him with private carers coming in to help get him up and to bed in the evening. She is not entitled to any benefits other than the higher level of attendance allowance as he is not critical enough to qualify for continuing care! (possibly because she is 22 years younger than her husband). Without the assistance of family and friends, who sit with my brotherin-law, she would be able to get out and about.

  • DMC says:

    Dear Terasa
    you are absolutely right about a technician coming here, my dear wife has been saying this for some weeks. However, the problem is that the technical team employed by Ability Net the suppliers of equipment from the MND Association, although they can deal with most problems in connection with Dragon, this one is beyond them. It was for that reason that I contacted the makers of the program, Nuance, initially, in which Ruben is the senior technician. I’m sorry to say he has still not solve the problem. The program is hit and miss concerning my commands so it will be another call next Monday morning!

    I’m so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law and am surprised that he has been unable to get Continuing Care if he really is the same stage as I am, that is with no use of his legs or hands, only about 25% use of his arms and with lungs of around 25% of normal volume,, then, like me, he requires someone available 24/7. We have been awarded 2 1/2 hours care per day which covers two carers coming in early morning to shower and dress me, too short visits one at midday and the other at 6 AM and a final visit at 9.30 am hoist me back into the bedro. The carers would be happy to put me to bed but my wife prefers to do that herself

    I believe that one of the criteria looked at by the PCT is it that the patient must have a likelihood of dying within the next three months. I gave no such guarantee! I can only suggests that your sister-in-law appeals the decision and then if that doesn’t work to make a nuisance of herself writing to the chairman of the PCT, her MP etc. I’m sure she will win out in the end.

    Good luck


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