1 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 2 November 2011 in Diary |

Last night was Halloween butt we were not plagued with ghosts or ghoulies orthe local children knocking on the door offering’ tririck or treat’.

Alice had a goodly provision of chocolate biscuits and other goodies to hand out in case we had our usual visit and we opted for ‘treat’. but, this year,they left us alone. Heaven knows what we would be ask to do if we said ‘trick? Maybe this is just another old tradition which is beginning to die out. Although I think the Americans, from whence I believe the tradition emanated , make still make much more of a fuss over this event than we do.

Last night I switched to sleeping in the new ‘nose only’ respirator which is far more comfortable than the one covers that both nose and mouth. The problem with this larger one is that it was likely to put pressure on the eye, which has just been operated on, which, of course, we were both anxious to avoid. In the event I had a perfectly comfortable night and got quite used to the new respirator and have decide to use it on a regular basis, from now on. The point is that, as it does not cover my mouth, as and when I get to a point where I need daytime intervention it might be possible for me to use this and still dictate at the same time.

The five-day weather forecast had promised that Tuesday was going to be ‘the best day of the week’, at least weather -wise, however at 9.15, half an hour before I was due to leave with Ollie, he telephoned and informed us of it was raining and did I really want to go. We asked iPeter the gardener and he was of the opinion that it was going to clear up, which is what the meteorological office forecast. So, on the strength of these two authorities, rather than what we could see out of the window, I decided to go, particularly as it was a relatively mild day. In the event it remained dry and is quite a pleasant day. In fact the sun burst through just about the time we got back to the clubhouse were able to sit outside smoking and drinking in comfort, this week the Major (Guy Hipkin) and John Gray did the honours, dressing me up feeding etc.

I got home about 3.15 and found that I had a four o’clock appointment with a dear old friend whose builder had gone broke on him. He wasn’t quite sure whether he should go from here. Although I was a little tired. I think I was able to help him.

. Today’s diversion might seem a little naughty to  some readers , if you are the slightest bit prudish then . please,  do not open it, otherwise , if you are a fairly free spirit, look at it and thank your lucky stars .that you did not marry an Italian. if you did , my commiserations. Click here to have a laugh



  • Don Farrell says:

    Geetings from Penns Woods. The clip was hilarious. BTW, I love the fact that you can still hand out biscuits for Halloween. Sadly, American children are usually advised NOT to accept homemade goods or things that are not sealed in a package. For that reason I decided to hand out condoms this year. -df-

  • John Garton-Jones says:

    Dear Mark,

    I have just watched your video for the first time – it is inspirational.

    I know you will keep fighting.

    All the best from us both.

    With our love.


  • Christine from BC says:

    As Don in America remarked, in Canada sealed items are preferable BUT please don’t tell my husband about the condoms as this would be his greatest pleasure handing those out……. I really don’t want my house egged!!!

  • DMC says:

    No thanks to my brother in law, John G J for his kind remarks and to Christine from BC and Don in Canada. I can only say what a sad past we have come to when we are not allowed to give youngsters a home coffee unless it is sealed or because of this Bxxxxy so-called Health and Safety’


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