3 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 4 March 2012 in Diary |

My dear daughter Chloe managed to persuade the Amazon people that, due to my disability, I had been unable to spend my £40 book token, with no fuss at all. they extended the period of purchase by six months, so I spend an hour or so this morning looking through the various list of books reviews with a view to spending this money as soon as possible as the six months will slide by without me noticing it and I doubt whether they would be prepared to extend the voucher yet again.

I managed to find a few books but not enough to cover the £40, so I’ will have to have another go in a day or two, perhaps on Monday when’ Jane the sheep’ is here. and can give me a hand. Bearing in mind that this year is the bicentenary of Dickens birth, and being a great Dickens fan, I shall buy a book about his life and times, so that is something I can spend some money on.

We made a Skype call to my mother and Richard this morning and, at last, we could not only hear each other but also see each other. Somehow in the past it was always one or the other but not both at the same time. It is a very good way of keeping an eye on them both and regularly checking up to ensure that they are okay.

Paul was back today, to complete the installation of my new laptop, including reinstalling all the programmess and moving over the data.. I think he said there was something like 250 GB to copy over from the old laptop onto the new one. He also went through the register , making various default settings;, wiping out a number of them which are not necessary for me ,and if left would slow down the performance of the laptop, so that, at the end of the day the installation will be very much a bespoke one. He has spent something like six hours on this exercise to-date and still has another couple of hours ao to go, which I hope he will manage to do on Monday, after which I can.be let loose to enjoy my new toy.

Today’s diversion is all about the American Civil War. I know this is not of burning interest to a number of my readers.

However, the excellent black-and-white photographs are such a fantastic record, giving a snapshot of this period of social history, that is they are well worthwhile click here and looking at them purely from this point of view.


  • Christine from BC says:

    Wow! Superb Civil War photographs – thanks for sharing.

  • Maureen Jones says:

    Such great photographs. Reading the comments following them it seems they still not sure what the fighting was all about..

    Maybe they will say the same about the war that they are involved in this time….

  • DMC says:

    I am so glad that two of my most faithful readers enjoyed the Civil War photographs. It is so important to preserve such things as in years to come very few ordinary people will have access to them.

    Regards to you both


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