4 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 5 March 2012 in Diary |

A relatively comfortable night but not one entirely free of pain. However, I am comforted in the knowledge that I can expect the nerve block in my shoulder to be just as painful, if not more than it was before the injection, for the next month or so, after which I should start to feel the benefit.

A couple of days ago’ ‘Bill and Ben’ came round to do a few odd jobs. One of the things they looked at was the spark inhibitor inserted in the chimney from the main fireplace. Apparently it was falling to pieces and they asked if they should replace it. I vaguely remembered that this was an unusual requirement by one of our earlier underwriters, only to be told,, some years later, that such spark inhibitors had been banned altogether as they achieved the reverse result for which they were designed. In other words, instead of the spsarks hitting the cowl and being extinguished and they were bouncing off back onto of the thatch.. It is Sunday today so I cannot I telephone my insurance broker , but will do so tomorrow to see whether I need to replace it or not.

It is such little things like that which could cause the insurance policy to be invalid and void, in the event of a thatch fire, so it is well worthwhile reading the small print and complying with the underwriters requirements.

As I was concerned the by split pipe connecting the respirator to the Nippy, we telephoned our local representative from Papworth Hospital, early this morning and, true to their 24/47 service, Lucy turned up before lunch with a selection of pipes and masks. In the event ,we had spare decided to stick to the mask which we were used to, the ‘nose only’ and were given plus a couple of the flexible pipes so I shall go back to this one tonight in order to give my damaged skin and rest from the full mask I have been wearing for the last two or three nights.

It was a truly miserable winters day today, cold and damp and even managed a feeble effort at snowing in the late afternoon. The weather didn’t look very much better in Paris, where the French international rugby team played their suspended matching names Ireland, in a close fast moving game which could have gone anyway. but, in the event, ended as an honourable draw, 17 points each. This match was part of the Six Nations International Tournament now only Wales, as the only unbeaten team, can win the Grand Slam . What an incredible change in the weather which only four days ago, on the Tuesday geriatric golf day,. was warm enough for me to drive around the golf course, and end up sitting outside with a drink and cigar

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