8 March 2012

Posted by DMC on 12 March 2012 in Diary |

‘ My lovely’ was up bright and early this morning and after attending to me, giving me my breakfast etc handed me over to the girls – Louise and Paula. -to shower and dress me before depositing me in my study chair. The good Doctor, Michael, appeared whilst all this was going on, and having assured himself that all was well ,went back to his room and continued his battle with the various authorities over travel arrangements for Chloe Tom’s partner – and Elizabeth, Michaels ex-wife.

It was a beautiful day, wall-to-wall sunshine and an almost cloudless blue sky. The temperature, at around 15°C, was unseasonably warm. I just hope it’s like this tomorrow for our lunch at the Cricketers, so I can sit outside, at least part of the time, and smoke a small cigar.

Mick spent a good time in the early morning and late evening, Skypeing Tom, in Australia, giving him the reassurance that a good father gives to his son in times of adversity, except in these circumstances Tom knows that the medical advice being given to him comes from a very experienced Doctor. The next couple of weeks will be critical and that following the treatment he is receiving a fairly accurate prognosis should be possible. Tom’s partner Chloe (I prefer the old-fashioned girlfriend’) is fortunate as the play that she was in in Brussels has just come to an end and so she has no impediment to joining Tom in Australia and giving him the adding prop of loving support that he needs at this time.

I’ve scarcely like to mention my minor complaints after that but Dr Lort, my GP, called in to have a look at the progress of my sebaceous cyst following the course of antibiotics. It is still inflamed and she feels that the best option would be to cut it out and is prepared to do so here, in my own home, rather than having to arrange transport them either to the surgery or to the hospital. While she was here she observed the two moles on my back which had become itchy and therefore concerned me as to whether they were malignant as a result of too much sun I which have taken practically all my life. She did not seem concerned about them but did say she would burn them off while she was here.

The other thing I was slightly concerned about was a small lump in my stomach which three of the carers have mentioned when massaging my stomach as part of the aromatherapy prescribed by Dr Margaret Saunders of the Rank Hospice. Again, Dr Lort did not seem concerned that it was anything to worry about but will have a further look at it when she comes to do with the shoulder..

Properly Mick and I finished off, what turned out to be a fairly busy day by treating ourselves to a bottle of champagne in the breakfast room which is the only room in the house in which Alice tolerates the odd cigar. Fortunately, I am clearly not addicted, either to smoking or two alcohol, as several weeks go by between having either or not. I was also very pleased to find that the champagne did not inflame my sinuses and make it difficult to breathe, although I was a little snuffly when it came to bedtime. Both Mick and I had observed this before a drop of champagne passed my lips so we knew it wasn’t that. I was keen not to damage the skin on my cheeks or my nose any more than necessary so started off with the ‘nose only’ mask hoping I could get by with that one Mick put me down and made the bed over me whilst I struggled to get calm and breathes evenly. At one stage I thought I would have to ask him to get me up and start again, this time with the full facial mask which also covered the mouth. Fortunately, this did not happen and I fell asleep before I was able to get to alarmed about it. Considering Mick only comes here every 6 to 8 weeks, he did a pretty good job in remembering all the little nuances has developed and built into the various things with which she has to help me. Mick was pretty much on the button and I think has done a great job of caring for me under the circumstances.

Paul ‘the computer’ dropped in whilst we were indulging ourselves in the breakfast room, smoking and drinking and made us feel a bit like naughty boys who have been caught behind the changing rooms at school. He only wanted to check and see how the computer was performing. I was able to reassure him that as far as dictation was concerned it was still fast and 100% accurate. There are still one or two wrinkles he needs to iron out, most particularly in the Commands section, but we are in a significantly improved state than we were in before Paul stripped down the laptop and reloaded all the programmes.

This morning I received a U Tube video from my eldest grandson, Fred. He asked me to share it with as many people as I can through my blog. As my readers will know I assiduously avoid any political commentary or criticism, so as not to give offence but, on this one occasion, I am prepared to make an exception. It was a heartfelt plea from my grandson to spread this message as widely as I can and having the facility at my fingertips I can share Fred’s message with 30/50,000 people. Do watch this compelling video and send it to your friends. It seems perfectly genuine to me and, if so, we should all do what they can to assist the organisation behind the idea to spread the word as widely as possible in the hope that the blanket publicity will stop this man and his followers from the atrocities, it is claimed, that they carry out. When young people like Fred become aware of people like KONY and are determined to do something about it, the least we can do is to support them .This was Fred’s message to me:

Dear Grandpa,

This is a very important message that should be shared with as many people as possible. I was wondering if you could help try and get the message out and put this on your blog etc.

Please watch this video and you will see why it is so important that as many people as possible support KONY 2012:


Lots of love,

Fred xx.

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