13 April 2012

Posted by DMC on 14 April 2012 in Diary |

Yesterday, I mentioned the standing hoist and as I get weaker my face gets dangerously close to the crossbar. As a result we have modified this by strapping a small pillow to this bar. We also found the front of the foot stand rather sharp and hard on the soles of one’s feet when the hoist was being dragged away. Accordingly, we have glued a piece of rubber pipe casing on this sharp edge which has made a great difference. It struck me yesterday that the manufacturers of this excellent hoist might be interested in incorporating these two modifications. I gave them a ring and left my telephone number. However, as they did not ring back – they probably thought I was trying to sell them something – I shall e-mail these suggestions to them.

Today, I received a copy of the consultant’s report following my recent visit to Papworth hospital. Apart from noting a drop in my vital capacity, which he describes as.’a slight drop to previously‘ (whereas I was convinced it was a serious drop, from 49% to 31% ), Doctor Michael Davies summed it up by saying, ‘I’m actually pleased with his progress’ which is all very encouraging, particularly as they do not feel it necessary for me to a further assessment earlier than the normal three months.

Today, three members of the Arbitration Club came down to give us lunch at the Cricketers; Winifred Potter, Hon. Treasurer; Martin Potter, Hon. Sec. and Keith Kirkwood. The fourth member who was due to join us was John Rushton, one of our vice presidents, that he suddenly developed a nasty cold and very considerately pulled out at the last minute, as in those I have to avoid catching cold. It was a lovely lunch and good to catch up with the Arbitration Club news. Winifred, very generously, bought Alice a dozen pink roses. I think they all appreciate that I really wouldn’t be able to function without her and like to acknowledge it.

Readers may recall me mentioning the special pressure cushion with which I have been supplied for my lounge chair. It is cleverly designed to fill a series of vertical cells with air and, then by sitting on it, push out the air from the pressure points, thus achieving the effect of ‘sitting on a soft cushion’. At least that’s what their advertising claims. Although the area manager, very kindly called in last week to adjust this cushion I think we left the air valve open and each time I have sat on it squeezed out a little more air until yesterday, after a few hours, it became very uncomfortable.

As this cushion is advertised for £675 it must be rather special, so I e-mailed the company again and asked if they could kindly get the local representative to drop in and and adjust it for maximum comfort.

Today, my good friend Julian Critchlow, was kind enough to send me an amusing and brilliantly written piece on the history of the Buttonhole, written by one of his partners, Nick Storey, which he has submitted for publication in The Field. Nick suggests that habit of men wearing a flower in the buttonhole has virtually died out today. I reminded Nick that I wore a rose, from my own garden, in my buttonhole from the beginning of May until Christmas Eve (I got my tailor to make the buttonhole lower than the standard buttonhole and a little wider to accommodate the stem). I also told him that when seatbelts were introduced I wrote to The Times, on St George’s Day, complaining that I could not wear a seatbelt without crushing my rose and did they think I should apply for dispensation which was allowed for pregnant women and some other classes of people, which I cannot recall

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