4 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 5 July 2012 in Diary |

We had an early morning call from a Chelmsford number asking about delivering a wheelchair tomorrow. We need another wheelchair like a hole in the head, as it is with two, already , one electric and one manual chair, plus two hoists, apart from the electrically operated bed and lounger, the place is beginning to resemble a showroom for Independent Living. We just hoped that the caller was actually referring to the new commode rather than another wheelchair. I gave Anava a call and she will check the Chelmsford people, otherwise it seems that the other matters are well under control. (Another call from Anava confirmed that it was a repair to one of the existing wheelchairs. I thought it was too good to be true that they had been able to act that fast on providing the new commode.)

With six or seven hoists, each day, my confidence is building each time it is used. Until I have experienced a smooth painless transfer by a particular carer, Alice stands by to put the respirator on should I get panicky as I swing backwards and forwards. We will soon reach the point that all my regular carers have passed the test and there will be no longer any need for Alice to be there with the respirator.

I heard, this morning, from the good Doctor Michael, who is prepared to reschedule his already tight programme to accommodate me and take me to Lord’s, provided I am still up to it. He plans to arrive here around midnight on the 17th, accompany me to Lord’s, leaving her home around 8.30 on the 18th and then fly back to Sweden or a 06.00 a.m. on the 19th which means getting up and leaving here around 04.00 a.m. I suppose that’s what a 57 year friendship is all about!

Mid-morning two ladies solicitors appeared acting on behalf of my Birmingham solicitor’s who I had instructed to draw up an enduring Power of Attorney in favour of Alice, to replace the one formally in favour of my personal solicitor, Dr. James Barnett. In view of my physical deterioration it seemed sensible to give this power of attorney to Alice but I had no idea, when we decided to make this switch, that it would involve so much documentation. The whole process now is much more orientated towards protecting the person giving the power of attorney. It is now recognised that there are two distinct areas where this power should be given. The first deals with the health and welfare of the individual granting it. Basically, it is all to do with resuscitation in the event of a stroke or something similar , which leaves the patient are unable to make rational decisions for himself. I had previously entered into a Living Will which made it clear that I did not wish to be resuscitated if there was a strong possibility that the quality of my life could not get back, after a reasonable time, to that enjoyed before the stroke etc. Specifically, I said I did not want to end up having a tracheotomy (a tube inserted in my windpipe in order to breathe.) or a feeding tube direct into my stomach – I like to taste my champagne, not just have it pumped in!

The second part of the power of attorney part dealt solely with financial matters. Obviously both rely entirely on trust between the giver of the power of attorney and the person in whom it is vested. I have no fears on either front or would not have gone through this convoluted process.

Apparently, it takes roughly 4 months after this signing session this morning, for the power of attorney to be effective. Heaven knows what happens in the event that one does not survive for those four months. Presumably, it would be as if none of this process had been entered into.

Watched our man, Andy Murray, battling his way into the quarter-finals, at Wimbledon. His Spanish opponent, seeded 5 against Murray’s 4, put up a really good fight and the score belies closeness of the game.

Talking of battling, here is a little history sent to me by one of my American readers. Click here to see it for yourself and bear in mind that I include it, with no comment!

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