16 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 16 July 2012 in Diary |

Another good night. I really think Doctor West has got the combination of medication right to ensure a good evening’ s sleep.

My other stockbroker, and friend, Mark Jenkins, kindly came down at lunchtime today in order to go through my portfolio with me but this time with Alice in attendance so she has an idea what we are trying to achieve in our investments. We would have gone to The Cricketers but the weather was uncertain and we would not have been able to lunch outside, so we took the simpler option of having lunch in my study after we had completed our business.

I first saw Mark has a small 13 year old sitting on his bed at Haileybury, having recently arrived from Singapore, where his father had business. Miles and Mark were starting public school on the same day and in the same house. They have been friends ever since. I always liked Mark find myself in the strange position of trusting in him with my investments. Is this really the same little lad that I saw clutching his teddy bear, all those years ago?

The Olympics start in 10 days time the interest, nationally, seems to have waned as fast as it was worked up with the procession of the torch. Heaven knows, whether torture is today. But somewhere floating around London the first oops, and a potentially serious one is that the security firm who won the contract for the games find themselves 3500 personnel short. How long have they had to recruit the security guards; years now illusions of the Army is going to have to step in and fill the gap as there is no way they could recruit this number of applicants and fully and properly put them through all the tests in so short a time. Not a very auspicious start to these games,.

Still no sign of the new commode or the larger sling despite chasing them each day for the last week or so.

BA launched a new Olympic themed advert which is quite clever; put in your home postcode and thanks to CGI and Google Maps, BA will send a Boeing 777 past your road while taxing to the Olympic stadium! http://taxi.ba.com/(well, this did not work very well for me stop there is just a flash green trees and country which was certainly not my house. Maybe you have more success.

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