16 September 2012

Posted by DMC on 18 September 2012 in Diary |

Having spoken of the possibility of respiratory failure only in yesterday’s entry, I had a very uncomfortable period this morning during the passage from bed to chair and so on through to finally being dressed before transfer to my study chair. This was a typical situation of me being very uncomfortable, my inability to sit comfortably, naturally balanced without assistance of a third person. I assume that it is from one such panic attack that the Thomlinson respiratory failure could come. Leaving respiratory failure aside I must admit that my general state of mind and physical condition to be satisfactory.

I had failed to mention that our neighbour, Tom, dropped in yesterday just to kindly check out and see if there was anything he could do to help out. Although he did not stay more than an hour or so this made what, in the normal way, would have been a quiet day, into an extremely busy one. Thus, it can be seen what a little extra activity it takes to convert a quiet day in to a busy one. Although, in terms of pain control, we seem to have reached a happy state that I believe at a to higher-level of sedation,

Today, for example, my friend Edward Oliver came over at 11.00 to see me and discuss my tax return which he kindly assists me to complete as I have no use of my hands. Then the maximum time that such session can take is just under the hour, as the appearance of the carers at midday, assures a cut off period.

As many a tax return appears to have originated in fairyland, click here to see with which of the, husband or wife, your sympathy lies.

Having dealt with my return for another year, set me to wondering about the impression I have that have been caught in the net once , puts them in the same situation as the thousands of people who never submit a tax return, because they simply do not have a enough income enough to justify the necessity for such a return.

As many a tax return appears to have originated in fairyland, click here to see with which of the, husband or wife, your sympathy lies.


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