17 September 2012
I cannot pretend that I did a great deal today. I’m still suffering from this overwhelming desire to close my eyes and to sleep. I am convinced that this is a result of adjustments to my medication that have brought me into the land of the sedated.
In one of my former lives I was chief executive of a nationwide housing Association in, which we had something in the order of 20 sheltered accommodation homes, most of which did something to keep their residents alert and interested in life. However, I must confess that after I took over, and worked my way around, visiting each of these homes in turn, although the majority well run, as I suggested, to keep me residents alert, there were a few where the clients appeared to be sedated, rather than just taking a short nap between activity. I know exactly what they felt like, having found myself in the same state these past few days.
The only explanation I can think of is the additional start lorazepam| (my ‘anxiety’ pill) I took yesterday. Although we were told I could take up to four tablets per day, but had only taken two on most days, yesterday I was feeling rather edgey at lunchtime and so took one additional tablet. I suspect that this was sufficient to make me feel sedated for most of the day. I shall certainly get onto Dr West to look, once more, at the balance of the various drugs to attempt that happy medium of keeping away, the pain in my joints and still taking sufficient to ensure a relaxed and painless nights sleep.