9 February 2009

Posted by DMC on 9 February 2009 in Diary |

Off to Australia, to stay with the same friends as last year and then onto Thailand, with Dr Long for a week, on the way home. Apart from requiring some assistance with dressing, provided my hands do not significantly weakened further during these intervening weeks, I should manage. After that I can only take it week by week. There are a lot of people out there willing to help, – occupational therapists, computer experts the MND Association, etc. but at the end of the day, much of it will be down to me personally.

In the meantime I have been busy designing gadgets which will not only help me but also other people with weak hands – arthritis sufferers, stroke victims, people with Parkinson, etc. My latest idea is for a feeding frame which can be very inexpensively mass-produced and, which I believe, will be of great interest to hospitals, care homes etc. or to anyone having care of infirm geriatrics.

While I was in Australia I had a videoconference with my team leader of XXWorks and she appeared to be very enthusiastic and encouraging. It is an exciting project.

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  • babi says:

    professor:) nice to see you update again!
    will you tell me what’s the videoconference ? how can I do a videoconference to promote my job? thank you !
    yours truly,

  • DMC says:

    sorry to tell you that I’m currently in hospital with a broken leg and will be unable to videoconference for at least six weeks. See my blog when I get it updated


    Prof Mark

  • babi says:

    thank you for your answer so soon!
    hope you everyting is ok!
    welcome to China in the future:)
    yours truly

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