27 April 2009

Posted by DMC on 27 April 2009 in Diary |

Smiler’s birthday – 45 years old – he has been taken to Venice for a few days by Kimberly.

Went to Addenbrookes Hospital today to see the latest prototype of my feeding frame. They have very nearly got it right. After agreeing one at two minor adjustments I hope to pick it up later this week. I’m still very excited about this having universal appeal.

Some cotton trousers which I had purchased from the Internet, for the grand sum of £9.99 per pair, arrived today. I bought them because I thought the elasticated waistband would make them easier to pull up and down. Sadly, I had not realised how my girth had expanded over the last three months or so, now 38 inches, whereas over the last 20 odd years it is has been no more than 34”. (The trousers were sent back for a larger size). I suppose the point is, that before the MND I was going to the gym three days a week and played at least two rounds of golf. Now, I just have one weekly walk round the golf course and have not changed my eating or drinking habits. Clearly, I must increase my exercise, perhaps by a daily walk now the weather is improving. The problem is that up to now I’ve been very busy trying to complete my autobiographical notes, before my hands disappear altogether. I am glad to say that this job is all but finished.

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