May Day
I received, from HDTI, a CD beautifully illustrating the first of my inventions in a presentation form. Guy, the director, has already made contact with two major international firms with a view to setting up a presentation for me. Unfortunately he is on holiday for the next couple of weeks so nothing much is going to happen until towards the end of May. I must say though, his colleague Paul Magee, has done a great job in refining, and indeed improving, on. my original design.
As a result of receiving this CD I had a meeting this morning with a long term friend who lives in the same village, Simon Cooke, a one-time patent lawyer, who gave me some very sound advice and contact points to pursue the intellectual property protection on the first of my inventions -the details of which I will be able to disclose shortly.- that I require to have in place before presenting the idea to a third party.
This afternoon that great blog saviour, my neighbour Graham Smith, spent a further three hours with me tidying up and bringing the blog up to date (almost the first time it has been like that since I started writing it a year ago). Graham has very kindly agreed to write for me the Mug’s Guide that I’ve been begging for so long, so that eventually I can take over the whole process myself. In the meantime I am able to release Richard Morris who has been such a star setting up the blog in the first place and maintaining it, despite being under enormous pressure at work and at home. I shall be eternally grateful to him for that.