26 July 2010

Posted by DMC on 26 July 2010 in Diary |

The last week before I fly off to Sweden with the good doctor and suddenly there seems to be lots to do. For example, not being able to go upstairs to my dressing room, or to pack for myself, I had to prepare packing lists for the 15 kg check-in suitcase and a separate list for the 10 kg  carry on case allowed by Ryanair. Michael has already warned me any overweight can be very expensive with this particular airline.

Another job I did was to draft a valedictory address to my students in China. I hope to get the good doctor to take a video of it on Friday and then persuade Monti to make me a DVD which can be played, in my absence, to the students the beginning of the lectures in October.

Readers will recall me going to the hygienist recently to have my teeth de-scaled and not being very impressed by the thoroughness of the operation. Accordingly, my erstwhile private dentist very kindly looked in today to inspect my teeth and give me his opinion on the quality of the ‘clean’. I am glad to say that he agreed with me, indeed he confirmed that it was a very poor job am offered to speak to the Teeth Commissioner on my behalf, following which I shall probably have to make a formal complaint. Apart from anything else I was told that the general clean cost £16 under the NHS and the £45 odd that we paid is what we should have been charged for dental work other than a clean.

1 Comment

  • Christine Smedley says:

    Dear Professor Cato,
    I have greatly enjoyed reading your blog and to see how you are coping with this problem. My
    husband has MND and will not share his problem with anyone else, which is difficult as he
    has no-one to discuss such matters as you have raised. His legs are getting very weak now,
    although he can still just make the stairs. His hands are also becoming less useful.
    I wonder if you would be kind enough to communicate with him? He is called Peter. Kind regards, Christine Smedley

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