10 August 2010
Another, a quiet day, just me and Michael  at home. He working on his extraordinary complex travel arrangements and some outstanding legal medical reports and me battling with the crippled laptop. I tried every trick in the book and by dint of perseverance managed to recover a substantial element of the laptops performance. I even cleverly managed to find an earlier version of Dragon which I trained from scratch and managed these last few days of the holiday. The point being that contemporaneous reports are far more reliable and, indeed interesting, than recollection. This was a lesson I learned when sitting as an arbitrator.
I had an even more pressing reason  today and that was because Michael had given me some water tablets to try to help with my swollen legs. Unfortunately the effect of this was to make me go to the loo almost hourly for most of the morning.
Unfortunately this day had a rather sad end. The Schneider is had received a telephone call from Andy’s mother informing them that their much loved little dog had died. The family was devastated. When they arrived home they went straight up to their rooms, without eating, from whence heartrending sobbing were heard for some time. They all knew that the dog was terribly ill but had hoped that he would have survived until their return. Clearly this little terrier was an important part of all of their lives and his loss will be sorely felt for some time. I know only too well how they feel. When I loss my own black Labrador, Woody, it took me about six months before I could accept that I would never see him again.
1 Comment
I don’t know if this would help with the kind of water-retention you experienced – but a footbath containing a tot of gin and about 6 drops of Fennel oil can have wonderful effects.