4 October 2010

Posted by DMC on 4 October 2010 in Diary |

It’s amazing to think it’s only 11 days now until the good Dr comes to pick me up to go to Thailand. I think I will still be able to manage struggling along on my gutter frame the short distances although even this morning I noticed it was becoming a real struggle getting up the wrapped in my office. I have undoubtedly worsened even in the short period since Mick was here last. In particular, he will notice that I am beginning to have difficulty breathing particularly when I’m lying flat in bed, or even trying to turn over. In any event, whatever the situation, I could not be in better hands.

I’m still battling with the hoist a problem and then not convinced that the single horizontal track at ceiling level in the bathroom would not work. It’s a question of whether they would allow me to get an engineer to put some sort of a frame either bolted or glued to the floor at each end. It may be that being NHS equipment they will not allow us to alter it in which case I may have to consider buying my own from this company.

Having dealt with my e-mails and brought my blog up to date I then allowed myself to watch the final day of the Ryder Cup with a fascinating prospect in view. What a thrilling days golf it turned out to be. As one commentator said you couldn’t write a better Hollywood script. In the end it came down to a nail-biting finish on the last but one hole, of the last match. Europe won by the slenderest of margins 14 ½. to 13 ½.  Undoubtedly, one of the finest Rider Cup matches since its inception in 1927.

Following on from my complaint to the General Dental Association, my erstwhile private dentist very kindly came and took some photographs of my teeth before they are de-scaled on 13 October. Presumably, these will be offered in evidence.

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