30 October 2010

Posted by DMC on 30 October 2010 in Diary |

The journey home went as smooth as silk. I drive from Hua Hin to the airport, transfers to various wheelchairs, whizzing through the diplomatic channels for security and passport control, making our connection from Dubai to London after a brief visit to duty-free and then a very comfortable limousine ride home – courtesy of Emirates –  arriving in time for elevenses. Although, I was not able to take advantage of the flat bed on the aircraft, due to my breathing problem, I was reasonably comfortable and after watching a video on each of the legs, managed to snatch brief periods of sleep, so arrived home in reasonably good condition. Although we had been going then around 24 hours we picked up the day as if we had never been away, ignoring the time difference the so-called jetlag, and did not get to bed until 10 o’clock. This, of course, after our usual six o’clock bottle of champagne!

Having taken some considerable trouble to keep the blog running day by day, with  Michael doing the posting during this trip, I must admit I’m a little disappointed to notice that my readership has sagged from around 2500 each day to 2000. Maybe people are getting a bit bored with the whole thing, if so I’m sorry, I am lucky to be leading any sort of life at all, let alone an exciting one..

Whatever people think of the glamour of travelling to foreign parts there is no place like home and in my case no-one  I would rather be with than ‘ my lovely’. However, this is not to say that I do not owe an inestimable debt of gratitude to dear Michael for his constant care of me on this trip. I really don’t think there’s another person in the world who could have done it, or, would indeed have been prepared to do it, particularly, so uncomplainingly. OK, so he was a little tough with me from time to time over my breathing, but maybe that’s what I needed!

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  • Joan Kirkby says:

    Don’t count what you don’t have – count what you do have ! 2000 is amazing ! And I for one am not a bit bored.

  • Christine says:

    Me neither, Joan (not bored at all). I have been fascinated at your (DMC) ability, courage and sheer downright “not giving up” attitude that allows you to even contemplate such a trip AND your ability to continue to delight us “watchers” even though you were particularly unwell during your time away. Bravo to you, I, for one, stand and applaud. Glad it all worked out – I was most interested and envious of the food you ate.

  • Russ says:

    Decidedly not bored ! I look after my wonderful wife who is in the later stages of MND and have learned so much from you. Keep on blogging and keep on challenging the progression of this dreadful disease. Sometimes when all might appear to be lost defiance is sufficient ! Thankyou for such entertaining and informative view into your journey. By the way, what chances England for the Ashes ?

    • DMC says:

      Many thanks, Russ, for your kind comments. I’m so glad that your dear wife is getting something from the blog. She, and others like her were the very reason I started it.

      Aussies eat your heart out. We are going to thash them

      Best wishes


    • DMC says:

      My computer is telling me that I had not replied to this comment but I distinctly remember doing so. If you did not receive my reply please let me know.

      The idea is that the comment and the reply goes on the blog.

      Best wishes

    • DMC says:


      The confusing part about using WordPress is that you get an e-mail as well as a WordPress and I’m trying to find out which one I answer to ensure that the reply gets onto the blog.

      Best wishes


  • DMC says:

    Dear Girls

    Your encouragement and inspiration to me to keep going. I thank you for it. I just rang the hospital and I’m hoping that I’ll be admitted today overnight to assess my breathing and then hopefully home and back to normal.

  • Brita says:

    I am not bored either ,please do keep writing your blog it is always interesting.

  • carol diane says:

    I await your entry in this blog every day. make no mistake–your candor is appreciated, and you are loved and admired in central California. at first i thought you were merely aristocratic. now i know otherwise. xxxx c.

  • maureen jones says:

    Dear DMC, (Mark)
    I feel I have to write this today. My husband of 52 years, Raymond was diagnosed with MND in 2003 and was then told by the same neurologist ” I think I was mistaken ” then 6 years later after losing a great deal of weight and his arms getting more and more useless he was re-diagnosed with Flailing arm MND.
    Most of this time he has had neck and shoulder pain which has gradually become worse he is being treated with MSContin, Ordine, Norspan Patches, Panadol Osteo, and antidepresent Drugs. He was sent for an MRI which shows he has “Severe Cervical Spine Stenosis ” Which we think is causing the pain in the neck and shoulders down the arms
    Could you tell us if you have experienced any pain associated with MND. He is getting more depressed because he does not get the pain relief that he needs…
    I look forward to reading your blog and find Ray is going through a lot of the symptoms that you have experienced,
    All my best regards to you and your lovely lady
    Maureen Jones (Brisbane Australia)

    • DMC says:

      Dear Maureen

      I say sorry I did not respond to your cri de couer earlier but I have just returned from three days in hospital with breathing problems.

      So far as your dear husband is concerned I have to say he has been poorly treated, I have not had any pain at all with my dying arms and hands nor do I know of anyone else suffering from MND who has such pain. Of course, it is absolutely natural that he should get depressed if he does not get pain relief. However I cannot understand this because I’ve always had the highest regard for the Aussie doctors. My own friend who is one of Australia’s leading doctors will be with me here on 10 November. In the meantime I need to try to forward your e-mail to him and see if he knows anyone in Brisbane who might be able to help. Encourage to Raymond to keep his pecker up and we will do our best to help him.

      Best wishes


    • DMC says:

      My computer is telling me that I had not replied to this comment but I distinctly remember doing so. If you did not receive my reply please let me know.

      The idea is that the comment and the reply goes on the blog.

      Best wishes

    • DMC says:

      Dear Maureen

      I’m sure that I answered this direct to your e-mail address not let me know and I’ll send you my personal telephone number. I do hope you’re dear husband, Raymond is a little less depressed. To answer your question I have no pain other than pains in my knees and hips in bed which I suspect is because I’m virtually lying on bone. If you are into Skype and you send me your Skype address we could perhaps speak to each other and I could have a chat with Raymond.

      Best wishes


  • TimF says:

    Dear Mark
    The recent mailing from Lords showing your wheelchair victory solved the mystery as to who you were. I spent two days behind you and the gang in the Warner stand this summer and find myself in your photo just to the left of your nose ( white shirt . beige jacket ! ) . This blog is a true inspiration and your courage and strength is humbling . I will spread the word and hope to meet you at lords one day soon.

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