17 May 2011

Posted by DMC on 18 May 2011 in Diary |

The electricity was turned off at nine o’clock this morning until 5.10 late afternoon. The electricity board were working their way down the road trimming any branches from the trees that might be overhanging the electric wires that, in a gale, might fall on the wires and cause the electricity to be shut off .. In the normal way this would have been a great inconvenience with all of our electrical equipment particularly which we use to hoist me up etc. However, being a Tuesday it is a geriatric golf day so that most of the time we were without power I was out anyway.

Barry took me as usual and got me into the buggy, this week driven by John Stevens. The combined age of the four players in the little group that I followed was 340 years! Pretty incredible stop. It just shows you how wonderful golf is keeping the body going Three of them, of course, were octogenarians who all still play a reasonable game of golf even if their drives are somewhat shorter than they were 30 or 40 years ago. The wind was a little chillier than I thought, however, I was still able to sit outside and smoke the accident Monte Cristo No.2 that John Gray very generously produced for me. It seems that I am the benefactor of the days when John himself used to smoke.. My smoking stick received a great deal of approbation from a visiting group of golfers from Royal Mid-Surrey, whose centenary celebrations I was fortunate enough to be invited to some years ago. In describing the three clips at the top of the loo roll holder I rather jokingly tell people that the top one is for the cheapos (Villigers), the slightly larger one on the left, for Romeo and Juliet,s and the largest one on the right is for the Monte Cristo No.2’s.

Despite further calls to Social Services, still then use about our Continuing Care. Harriet, from Ross Nursing, popped in early evening on low-wage of Newport, and I guess was that our application had not been heard last Thursday but hopefully would be in two days time.

 For light relief here are some amusing signs for you













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