19 May 2011

Posted by DMC on 20 May 2011 in Diary |

Late morning, Karen, the aromatherapist came and not only to rub my tummy but also gave me a neck massage, all of which was very pleasant and I hope is doing me some good. Once we get our Continuing Care I’m hoping that the nurses will be prepared at least to massage my stomach with the longer term view of reducing the amount of air in it.

Hot on the heels of Karen came the lady from Holy wheelchairs with some for ergonomic cushions for the mobile wheelchair. One of them, which fills with air, can only be set up once pressure patterns have been taken of my buttocks, so this was left for another day.Of course, the purpose of these special cushions is to avoid pressure sores if one is sitting for some extended period in the same seat stop listening

The final excitement for the day was the arrival of my good friend Michael, the’ the flying Dr’, from Australia.. Prior to his arrival I had been put into the electric chair and managed to drive it out into the open air and around the garden which was quite a joy after being trapped in my study chair all day.

Of course, we shared our usual bottle of champagne and I was able to enjoy a small cigar in the fresh air. Simple pleasures but so important in order to introduce variety into the life of the disabled.

The second gripe, I mentioned yesterday, concerns the work ethic. Leaving aside the thousands of people who are fraudulently claiming disability benefit who are perfectly capable of doing some sort of job, even if it is sedentary, which I’m glad to say the government is now tackling, my main concern is with the youth of today. A vast proportion of young people working in the catering and hotel business are from Eastern Europe. They are fully prepared to give up the comfort of their home life in familiar surroundings and work for, presumably the minimum wage, yet we have hundreds of thousands of young people bellyaching about not being able to get work and being forced to receive social benefits. Some of them accepting that they may never work. I really do not understand this attitude. Surely even working in the fields where farmers complain they cannot get casual workers from this country would be better than sitting at home doing nothing. Certainly there are jobs out there to be done this should not be be below the pride of a young person today, even those with a degree, as a backstop. I certainly remember doing backbreaking potato picking as a young man to earn a few pounds to enable me to go on holiday. I also worked in Butlins as a slave doing this and that. The honest truth is that our young are paid too much not to work, many of them receiving jobseekers allowance having no intention of taking a job even if it’s offered. Having said that, of course I accept that there are many more thousands of young people desperately looking for a job who would take something less than they had hoped for if it was available.

Returning to yesterday’s theme why are politicians not honest enough to state this obvious truth. Why? Because they’re all frightened of losing votes. What happens to the politician who is honest with the voters? He is usually sacked and disappears into obscurity. How could we have come to this sorry state?

I have no doubt that this will bring forth a howl of protest from some of my readers to whom I say, with all sincerity, you to are entitled to your opinion.


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