29 May 2011
We rose around seven and went through the usual process of tea, breakfast, teeth, short walk, loo on the bedpan and short walk back to the laptop while Barry and Denise sorted themselves out and repacked the car for our homeward journey. Most important of all we telephoned’ my lovely’ and Harriet to ensure that she was on the mend which I’m very very glad to say she appeared to be and, no doubt, the two or three days in bed will have done her a power of good. The journey home was uneventful and mercifully there were no traffic jams. We arrived home mid-afternoon and I was delighted to find that ‘my lovely,’ although still a little fragile, was infinitely better than she was when I left. I shall be eternally grateful to Barry and Denise for assuming responsibility for me and making it possible for me to attend this wedding. There is no other word for it, they were wonderful. Â |