24 October 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 October 2011 in Diary |

Today, Dr Saunders from the Rank Hospice, Cambridge, was scheduled to come here about the night pain in my joints, from which I am sporadically suffering . However, on reflection, she decided it would be better if I went to the hospice, where there are other consultants available on whom she could call. I think she had in mind the possibility of a nerve block, which I had once before on my shoulder, but which, in this instance, as all the joints are involved. I cannot think is the right answer. Anyway, I am now rescheduled to attend the Hospice this Friday.


Yesterday, I spoke to Craig Hunter, the producer of the controversial television programme, featuring Sir Terry Prachett, Choosing to Die.(See 15 June 2011 entry). Following the broadcast I spoke to the producer, Craig Hunter, and suggested a sequel, based on The Hospice. As Sir Terry nor I have never been to a hospice, I thought we could go together and try kill the myth that a Hospice is somewhere you go to die. This suggestion was put to the BBC wlo are still considering it. Craig said that he would chase them pointing out if I am to play a small role my predicted life span lessons week by week.

Having a little unexpected time on my hands, I decided to write to the person who sent me the mysterious Nepalese film (see 15th October entry). I was absolutely amazed at how beautiful was this film. There was no indication of where it was shot on the box, on other hand the scenery and subject matter appeared to me to be Nepalese or possibly Tibetan. I am very curious to know who the person is who kindly sent it to me and why with no covering letter or note other than a sender’s label on the back of the package. So, I have written what I hope is a nice thank you letter, the reply to which should satisfy my curiosity.


As another week gone by without any response from Dragon concerning my voice activation problems, I wrote to the senior technician, Ruben, pointing out that I had had 53 telephone calls to him at what I discovered, is a premium rate. Admittedly, only six pence a minute but a premium rate nevertheless. The lady who answers the technicians telephone informs the caller that the service is free, but does not qualify this by saying except for the telephone call, which is at a premium rate etc , therefore I asked Rubin to refund me the £37. For the first time ever. his response was rapid, as I might have expected. It is not our policy to…et al I responded to this, saying that it is a pity that they cannot deal with my problems as swiftly and asked him WHEN I could expect an answer. When Paul comes tomorrow. I think I will discuss with him the possibility of throwing this whole thing back to AbilityNet for it is, after all, that company with whom Dragon have a contract.

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