25 November 2011

Posted by DMC on 26 November 2011 in Diary |

Readers will recall my visit to the Arthur Rank Hospice some two or three weeks ago where amongst other things I saw wi a pain consultant, Dr Mark Abrahams, a Consultant Anaesthetist in Pain Management, Administered a suprascalar nerve block in my shoulder.

In other words an injection above the shoulder. Mark said, at the time, the this move to ease the pain he would consider repeating the process in a few weeks time. Well, there is no doubt that for at least two weeks if not three I have been totally free from pain in the shoulder now is beginning to creep back but nothing like so intense as it was previously. Yesterday I received a telephone call from the Pain Management Clinic checking on my progress and as a result I’m now booked in for a further injection only in the New Year.(I am impressed with his follow-up)

The other two areas I was feeling pain at the time were in my knees and in one hip. I cannot imagine an injection in the shoulder would have any effect on either of these two areas of the body. However my knees seem completely free of pain at present and I can only put this down to some exercises that ‘my lovely’ has being doing for me on my legs each morning.

Whilst I am talking about my medical condition readers will recall the district nurse being so alarmed at the purple colour and as a result the doctor was called in to look at them without delay. I am glad to report that the resumption of the nifedipine has restored them to a healthy looking pink colour but this still does not stop feeling like blocks of ice particularly in the evening. My dear son Smiler is always asking me what I want for Christmas so I have suggested a foot muff. I found a perfectly good electrically heated one on the net so I shall suggest that as a Christmas present.

Doreen ‘the secretary’ came in today to catch up my filing and at the same time we managed to print off a further 50 copies of the blog for the children hard copy.

The trading standards office rang yesterday to say that they were on the case but were not making much progress because of the lack of cooperation by Dragon. As it is precisely the point that I’m complaining of I would hope they had to all solution that would put a rocket under them. If the trading standards office proved to be as intransigent the Dragon peeple I might just as well have continued to chase them myself

The situation in Egypt appears to have been resolved by the military council stepping aside in favour of the former prime minister who will oversee a general election in a few months time. The global economic situation remains as tenuous as ever. One interesting aspect of it is widely Euro has held up so well against the British pound. I can only think that they financial speculators consider that we are just as shaky as the rest of Europe which is not very encouraging.

This has been such a boring entry click here for some excitement.

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