31 December 2011 – NEW YEAR’S EVE
Well, another year gone by and I suppose I should be grateful that I’m still around to welcome in the New Year. Whether I should here this time next year is another matter, although my Chinese friends have assured me that I am immortal!
I’ve been asking my carers over the past two or three days how they celebrate the New Year. It seems most of them this year I’m going to quietly celebrated at home or in small parties with their friends but then my carers, apart from Louise, are not teenagers. The girls tell me that most people today going to a local pub where a special meal will be provided at, what seems to me to be an exorbitant price. What is even more amazing is apparently the fact that those plans are charging an entry fee. For what? The pleasure of drinking there!
I suppose it is justifiable if some form of entertainment is provided but I’m told by the girls but that is not generally the case.
How are Alice and I celebrating this demise of the year 2011 and the birth of 2012. I’m sorry to say that like most people of our age we will be going to bed pretty much had our usual time. I would have cracked open a bottle of champagne had it not been for the fact that the good doctor Michael will be with us in three days time and then it would be a bottle at night for the trio for days he is here so, tonight I shall abstain.
I had to leave you with the impression that we are sticking the months and would not celebrate New Year’s Eve and in that respect I refer you to the anecdote New Year’s Eve which I hope will remind you that we too were young once and could let our hair down from time to time t.
The New Year is traditionally the time for making New Year resolutions. On the bus to front, generally about eating less or perhaps drinking less, getting fitter and such resolutions about being nicer to’ auntie Doris” or’ John Smith’-a fellow worker etc
I received rather less serious New Year Resolutions from to my regular readers. This amusing one from Roz which’ The Vicar’ (See 15 December 2011 entry ) would definitely not approve.
Dear God,
My prayer for 2012 is for
A fat bank account & a thin body.
Please don’t mix these up like you did last year.
And from an even more regular contributor Bob, this rather amusing salutation which I suspect was written after rather good party..
H A P P Y,           H A P P Y ,              N E W Y E A R
Finally, click here for some more excellent advice from Bob for those for those of you who are anxious to work off a few pounds after indulging in too much Christmas pudding and from yours truly wishing each and every one of my faithful readers.
A Healthy Happy And Prosperous New Year.