18 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 19 January 2012 in Diary |

On the matter of the problems with Dragon. I shall no longer comment in this blog as having decided to consider whether or not to take them to court, if I do the matter becomes ‘sub judice‘ and therefore I cannot comment on it. I will let the readers know the outcome.

We seem to be getting a flurry of visitors again. This afternoon, Julliet (Sheffield as was – Alice’s first cousin) dropped to just after lunch and spent the best part of an hour chatting to me. It was an unexpected call, so far as I was concerned but I obviously missed’ ‘my lovely’ mentioning the possibility that she might drop in. My problem with this is that I’m not very good in a one-to-one session with anyone, particularly for the best part of an hour. I find I get breathless and start almost hyperventilating. It’s alright if there are two or three people who can talk between themselves and don’t expect me to comment every other word, anyway apart from that it was nice to see Juliet..

Tomorrow Anne and John Garton Jones (brother and sister-in-law) come for a soup and sandwich lunch,

The latest in the farce of the Italian cruise ship, which capsized on the Italian coast, a couple of days ago, and from which allegedly the captain, deserted ship. was today’s revelation from the captain was that he now suggests that he slipped and fell into the lifeboat. Presumably, by accident!

Whether or not this was before or after the local pilot was screaming down the phone to get back on board and take charge. I know not, but I think that poor old captain is digging himself into a deep hole.

On the economic front, the news is not good. Unemployment has now reached almost 3,M -the highest for 17 years. Although, as one commentator said, this has to be looked at in relation to the working population. This current figure is just over 7% of those on the employment register, whereas previously, 17 years ago, the number of unemployed was over 9%. Put into the equation. the half – 1 million workers here from the EU and the number, although high, is not quite so alarming. I still believe that we should try to negotiate an annual cap on the number of people who can come here from the 27 EU countries seeking work, at the expense, most particularly, of our young people, many of whom would be prepared to work for the same level of wages

I am supposed to be going to Addenbrookes, next Monday, have my the cataract on my right eye dealt with.Yesterday afternoon I reminded Alice that last time I was given some special eye drops which had to be used for seven days prior to the operation. This time we were given nothing. So we contacted the eye clinic who in turn undertook to ring my GP to prescribe these eye drops. I just wonder what would have happened had I turned up for the operation and then they discovered I had not been using the drops ,whether I would have been sent home again or they would have operated knowing I had no used them?. All a little alarming and until the GP has spoken to the eye clinic, we will not know whether I shall be going to have this operation on Monday or not. The other problem associated with it is that I have to be able to lie absolutely flat for 15 to 20 min whilst the operation is being carried out and even with the respirator. this is becoming more difficult. If I panicked halfway through the operation because I could not breathe, heaven knows what would happen. Presumably if there was any chance of this happening they would not carry out the operation. Bearing this in mind, it would obviously be sensible to have this done sooner rather than later

Today’s joke is a golden oldie, but one I had not seen for some time so click here for a chuckle.

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