27 January 2012

Posted by DMC on 28 January 2012 in Diary |

With all my talk yesterday about a moment of Spring I heard on the news this morning that we will very shortly be going into a month of deep freeze, so that will teach me not ‘to count my chickens’ (for my overseas readers, who may be unfamiliar with this term, in its entirety it is ‘ Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched). Presumably, this means that until the eggs have hatched you cannot be sure of how many chickens you are actually going to get. -some may not survive). Anyway, a month of deep freeze will be very appropriate. In my case, as I am currently ploughing my way through that magnificent BBC programme, The Frozen Planet. -kindly lent to me by one of my carers, Sarah, who is very moment is on her own part of the frozen planet, hopefully skiing like a champion I thoroughly recommend this documentary to anyone who has not seen it- superb photography capturing an entire living world in the frozen Arctic and Antarctic..

Dragon have at last made a positive suggestion, basically to open up a new user profile under a slightly different accuracy level. I tried to follow the directions but my computer simply would not allow me to do what they requested.

In any event, as I said to them, the actual dictation side is significantly improved is significantly improved now that Paul has stripped down the computer and reloaded the programmes, There are still one or two wrinkles that need sorting out, in particular, commands and corrections, but it is 100% better than it has been over the past few months, although it would be great if I could get it completely right. This is going to be particularly important if and when I lose the use of my one splinted finger as a result of weekend arms.

Paul’ the computer’ came round after lunch today to babysit and at the same time went through the past years blog text tidying it up before tackling the same task for the media. He does it so much faster than I could by voice plus one finger so as he is here and he seems to enjoy working on the computer. I’m only too happy, and indeed grateful, to let him do it . He is very knowledgeable and an excellent teacher and I usually manage to pick up a trick or two most times he comes here.

Click here for a rather amusing homily on’ why I do not drink water’. (I hope I have not used lhis before)

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