26 February 2012

Posted by DMC on 27 February 2012 in Diary |

Thank goodness a trouble-free night despite me being slightly apprehensive as the mask was clamped on before going down. Quite illogical as the problem which occurred the night before is unlikely to recur.

Another lovely spring like day, but not quite warm enough for me to sit out in the garden. We have an old fashion, saying’ ne’er cast a cloud,’ till May be out’ in other words, never leave of your winter clothing untill the end of May. There has always been some controversy as to whether the reference was to the end of the month of May or, I think more likely, until the May blossom is out. It certainly is not in evidence yet so I shall heed the warning. Having said that, and seen, on the five day forecast, that the predicted temperature for Tuesday is 15°C, I have tentatively booked Ollie to take me to the golf club. I am not foolish enough to think that that is the end of the winter, bearing in mind another old saying ‘the March winds doth blow and we shall have snow’ I even remember a smattering of slowing may so we are not, out of the woods yet. Taking one day at a time. If Tuesday really almost 3 times the normal temperature for this time of year then I should grab it and enjoy it.

Smiler came down to lunch, yesterday to check up on us to and make sure we were managing and see if there was anything he could do for us. I must say both Chloe and Miles are lovely children and they make sure that one or other of them comes down to see us every two or three weeks. Today ,we add the international rugby on quietly in the background and had a good chat about this and that. Smiler, feeling his roots are very much in Wales was keen on the Welsh, beating the English at Twickenham, which is precisely what they did. I think they said for the first time forS29 years. It was a very closely fought contest and the result might have been different had the last English try, scored in the closing minutes, being allowed. Some of the commentators and I, adding carefully watched the slow motion replay the several times, would have awarded to try and then had it been converted the scores would have been level. However, in the event Wales won, and in doing so, won the triple Crown , having already beaten the Irish and Scots and they are still in line to win the overall six Nations championship.

Paul’ the computer’ came round after lunch to babysit for a couple of hours and we took advantage of his visit to complete the application form from the MND Association for a laptop to replace my present one which really has become ridiculously unreliable. It can sometimes take me the whole morning to do the blog whereas on a good day, it will only be half an hour. It only has two USB ports, the Hi speed one is badly corrupted and the second one intermittently so. Add to this the intermittently faulty keyboard. plus the problems over Dragon, in discussion with Paul, we have decided that the only solution is to start afresh with a new laptop. The reason for this is that the USB ports are not repairable and the laptop would require a new motherboard. and a new keyboard. Knowing how Toshiba charge exorbitant rates for repairs I might just as well start again. I remember paying something in the order of £400, not so long ago when I spilt a little coffee on the keyboard. Paul told legal by keyboard. I think for about £25 and it would take it no more than 10 or 15 min to install it. Not that we’re going down that route because of the faulty USB ports but it gives you an idea what ridiculous costs are charged for repairing these things. I’m not sure which is the best route to go down, loan or grant, and will check up with the MND people on Monday. I really don’t care which is and have every intention of donating my laptop to the Association on my departure from this world, in any event, but I am hoping that they will agree a sum of money and leave us free to go out into the market and choose something to suit my particular needs.

Wake up the reason I’m going on about the cost of repairs is to suggest to my readers if they have a real problem not to rush off to the makers or the local computer shop but trying to find a computer geek friend to help you out for a fraction of the cost. I had a very good example. recently, when my screen got damaged and actively replaced. Paul obtained an identical screen from eBay at a cost of just under £40 and fitted it in 10 of the 15 min-total cost £45 Etimated repair costs from a local repair outfit, £250.

Today’s little homily is recounted by an American servicemen to a Rotary Club Meeting in the Florida, USA. It is well worthwhile the effort in watching this video through and appreciating the value put on appreciation loyalty and friendship for another human being. Click here for a truly heart warming story

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