2 April 2012

Posted by DMC on 3 April 2012 in Diary |

The first day of a busy week, starting with my quarterly assessment at Papworth Hospital, basically for my lung tests. The day started badly with me sitting for almost 3 hours in my wheelchair in the hall waiting for the ambulance people to turn up. Not uncommon there had been a cock up over the times. Somehow, the ambulance people had got the idea that I was to be picked up at 11 AM lawyers which in, fact, was the time of my consultation. However, I did eventually get to the hospital and went through the usual process of, blowing sucking and sniffing the various instruments to compare with my results last time. The Dr who, as usual, was very charming and helpful, accepted that my breathing had ‘slightly’ deteriorated since my last visit. I thought this to be a bit of an understatement as the result of today’s tests showed my FVC dropping from 49% to 31%. Dr Davis assured me that this was not as bad as it sounds. He took another reading on a small portable hand-held instrument and said that the gap had already narrowed. Certainly he was not alarmed by the result, so why should I be. He was still of the opinion that I would not need daytime intervention on the respirator now but there could come a time when perhaps I could use the respirator to advantage in the afternoon whilst having a nap for an hour or so.

I told the Dr that I tended to go from month to month aiming at new targets such as’ my lovely’s birthday; the various matches at Lord’s; then my birthday in August; followed by Christmas and the major target of all, our golden wedding anniversary on March 16 next year. I told the Dr I had a very special bottle of 1963 port (which was an exceptionally good year) which I had every intention of drinking myself and not leaving it to my son-in-law!/

The other aspect of the Dr was slightly concerned about was the fact that I had lost just over 8 kg in weight in the last six months. I explained that my diet had not changed but the size of my portions were smaller as I really did not get very hungry. This appeared to satisfy him and he expressed no further concern on this point. The doctors stressed, what I have been told before, that it is the important to avoid getting any infection or catching cold. Presumably this is because my immune system has weakened.

I would say that the consultation generally was quite bullish and the doctor saw no reason why I should not reach our Golden Wedding Anniversary as this was a good target to aim at. He remarked that determination and focusing on objectives, such as my blog, was a significant factor in prolonging one’s life. So, all in all not a bad assessment.

I’m glad to say that the ride home following the consultation was fairly speedy but I have to admit that the these seven hours or so that the whole thing had taken and left me a little drained of energy. I had made a muddle over some of the dates for the blog entries, but simply could not muster up the energy or enthusiasm to sort them tonight.

Bearing in mind that I sometimes wish that things had not turned out as they have, reminded me of a little story which well illustrates the point. Click here for an object lesson!.

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