15 April 2012

Posted by DMC on 16 April 2012 in Diary |

I had a relatively pain-free night, having gone to bed at 9.40. Maybe this is something to do with the slow-release painkiller (tramadol). There does not seem to be very much rhyme or reason why one night should be so much worse than the next. I will discuss this with my MND team next week during my quarterly assessment.

At last, after all the hullabaloo over the past two or three weeks we have reached the actual centenial date of the sinking of The Titanic. There have been some fascinating documentary films on the subject, some of which incorporated original material. Our treat this afternoon was to watch the original film, starring Kenneth More entitled A Night to Remember. Although this was undoubtedly more authentic than the later more modern version starring the Leo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet which was was essentially a fabricated love story, I must confess the latter version I found more moving. Another moving event was the special service at held on board on one of today’s ocean liners, chartered for the purpose, to anchor over the wreck below. The passengers were made up largely from the descendants from the original voyage and although it was 100 years since the tragedy, the odd tear could be seen rolling down the cheek of both young and old. I think we have had our fill of the Titanic for the time being and, no doubt, the recent spate of memorabilia, by way of films, replica April 15, 1912 newspapers etc will now subside, as did the ship on that fateful night exactly 100 years ago

It seems ridiculous to go from such a massive event as the sinking of The Titanic to my comfort in sitting on an inflated cushion but that is the nature of this blog. The newly inflated Roho cushion passed its first test. It was certainly more comfortable at the end of the evening than any other cushion I have sat on all day, in the past. I think the problem is that you can adjust the air pressure to suit a particular sitting position, for example, sitting upright in a wheelchair, but as soon as you start to raise your feet to a horizontal position in a lounge chair the pressure points change and the cushion becomes less comfortable. However, I still think I can slightly improve upon it, so will have little more air let out today and see if I can improve it even further. In the meantime I have e-mailed to the company, who market these cushions, in their hope that their local rep. might pop in, and use his expertise, to adjust the inflation to its optimum

The cyst on my arm, for which a hospital appointment has been made at the end of this month, to have it cut out, seems to have subsided to such a point where I do not believe it will be necessary to go to hospital. I have asked the district nurse to come in and confirm this before cancelling the appointment.

As I have nothing remotely associated with The Titanic in my media library I might just as well go from the sublime to the ridiculous. Click here to see what happens when the debris from a man-made satellite plunges to the earth. be sure to watch this on full screen .

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