21 July 2012

Posted by DMC on 23 July 2012 in Diary |

Another dramatic incident. Last night I woke up in the early hours and reached out from my alarm-there was nothing there- and after working my arm free, which seemed to take forever, although flailing around in the world did not make contact with the alarm button. I therefore relied on my voice yelling for the carer and under the respirator. This is not terribly loud. I suppose it was the best part of yelling and thrashing around that I eventually had the welcome voice of the carer. She said that the alarm button is had not been set in the right place and I can only have her word for it. Nevertheless, it is the same old problem; panic at being totally immobilised and with no one listening to come and release you.

Well, the weather was perfect. Miles and Kimberly arrived about on1.00 for lunch, which we took in the garden. Unfortunately, I was feeling nauseous again and could eat nothing, however, I took advantage to get out into the fresh air, but although there have been very few days so far this year when I can venture out, I found that I had had quite enough after a couple of hours. Fortunately, one of my carers, Craig, said he would be passing by at around 2.00 pm. and would happily hoist me from the wheelchair to get me into the study . Otherwise I would have to sit in my wheelchair into the six o’clock carer came and this is too long. even in that reasonably comfortable wheelchair. Miles and Kimberly left after tea and then shortly afterwards. Chloe arrived , around 5.00 p.m. to spend the night with us. She just overlapped with Miles and Kimberly, which was fortunate as their busy lives , prevented them from seeing as much of each other as they would like.

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