22 September 2012

Posted by DMC on 23 September 2012 in Diary |

This day ,three of Ross Nursing carers, completed the climb of Ben Nevis – the highest mountain in the British Isles- on behalf of the MND Association. Craig, who is my key worker at Ross nursing, seemed loathe to tell me about the climb. As a result he failed to send me any sponsorship forms in order for me to send them out to some friends in the hope of boosingt the money raised. Craig seems to have a crisis of conscience in not wishing to approach clients of Ross Nursing. Personally I believe that it is perfectly reasonable to let other Ross Nursing clients know about such activities and give them the opportunity to support the event by adding their name to the list of sponsors.

I have a list of around 200 colleagues or friends to whom I can quickly send the form, except that I had no form to send. Ultimately, by chasing Nigel, husband of Harriet of Ross Nursing, I received the sponsorship form. Unfortunately this did not arrive with me until after the intrepid trio-Sarah and Emma being the other two-had left to get an early start on the climb. I believe they set out at 4 a.m but, no doubt, I will get full details on their return.

I did not want to lose this great opportunity of raising some money for the MND Association, who have been exceptionally kind to me. So now having our, in my possession, the sponsorship form, I decided to ask Paul’ the computer’ to send out the appeal to around 200 of my contacts – colleagues and friends , which I set up for him. I have only once before made an appeal to this list of people so no one can say I pestered them and, no doubt, this appeal, although cutting it fine, should bring in £200/£300 or so.

Whilst all of this was going on my brother-in-law – – Col John Garton Jones – and wife Anne, arrived around 11.00 a.m for a short visit which cost him a modest contribution to start the list of

Once the Garton Jones’ had left and started the list of contributors!, and we had had our lunch I took my prescribed rest under the respirator.

Although I slept for an hour or so, I cannot say, with all honesty , when I awoke, that I felt refreshed with all my batteries charged, but time will tell if the Papworth advice to take this mandatory rest with the respirator really does the trick. S

Somehow the afternoon melted away without us making any more progress on the covering letters required for the sponsorship.

It is such a pity that Alice and I had not had the forms earlier as I’m sure we could have raised a few hundred pounds. However with the good Dr Michael matching hour contribution hundred pounds we have got a good start.

May I make this opportunity of appealing to my readers and, let us be fair, to whom only once before had I made such an appeal on behalf of the MND Association (The Great London Swim) and asked my readers to support that charitable appeal and this certainly will be the last I shall make although I cannot promise what my family will do on my demise.

Click here to get a copy of the sponsorship form and please add the words ‘on behalf of Prof Mark Cato’s Ben Nevis appeal ‘ in the x box. In anticipation of your support I send you my heartfelt thanks. I know we are inundated appeals for financial support for so many very worthy causes but very few from friends and colleagues who are actually involved in the active part of the appeal itself. Please give generously knowing that in doing so you will be assisting the research into this horrible disease

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