4 December 2010

Posted by DMC on 4 December 2010 in Diary |

Today is the day of the Gordon’s Golden Wedding party. They are having an open house for the afternoon for a glass or two of champagne and tea. Sadly the logistics of getting me up into the house and into their reception room, particularly in this freezing cold weather, makes it too difficult for me to attend. Fortunately I saw Douglas here last week and congratulated him on his 50 years of marriage then, so I may be forgiven for not attending.

I wonder if any of the readers recall me mentioning the 7 million letters that the Inland Revenue had to send out explaining why they had made an error in the tax that they had, or had not, collected. In most cases it was the latter case and they were making demands for repayment. Around this time I received a very substantial demand which, with the help of my good neighbour Edward Oliver, I was able to challenge and point out that I suspected the situation was the other way around, they owed me money. You can understand therefore how pleased I was yesterday to receive a substantial refund. Having said that Edward popped in this morning to check over the figures to make sure they are not made yet another mistake.

I tried to get Edward to fit the Ergo armrests which the MND Association have kindly provided for me so that my hands could’ hover’ over the keyboard. Unfortunately they proved to be a more complex piece of engineering equipment that could be fitted by an ordinary mortal so I shall have to get somebody who knows what they’re doing to clamp them to my table.

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