3 January 2012
The good Dr Michael arrived from Sweden around six this evening (as usual his timing was impeccable, just-in-time for us to drink a bottle of champagne before supper!). He will be here until Saturday morning, giving’ my lovely’ a couple of days down in Cornwall to see her mother. She leaves at some ungodly hour tomorrow morning and will arrive back about midnight on Thursday. Michael then assumed the role of number one carer but with the usual backup visits from the team at Ross Nursing, so we managed very well. My main concern was waking up in the middle of the night, in pain, waiting to be turned over which does not seem to worry ‘my lovely’ but I did not think would be that popular with the good Dr.,
Although he doesn’t know it yet I intend to put the good doctor to work while he is here, Firstly, to help me to print off of the latest batch of diary notes for the hard copy of the Blog (three-time 68 pages!). I have been keeping for the children as part of my autobiography. I then intend to ask if you would kindly assist me in the process of marking the examination papers from the Chinese students. Hopefully his role will be restricted to turning the pages over of each set of examination papers to the appropriate question which I wish to mark. If Lynne my occupational therapist has done her job I will hopefully be able to make some sort of tick against the key points in the answers and scrawl the total number of marks awarded. Once I get to that point I can then transpose those marks onto my Excel generated schedule. If I find a pen too difficult to manipulate I shall have to read the answers and ask the good doctor to make the necessary ticck but I really hope it doesn’t come to that. In any event these will be the last examination papers I shall ever have tomorrow which is not fill me with sadness!
Around four in the morning, my lovely came in, gave me a kiss and set off to Cornwall. She is absolutely amazing the way she manages these very early on very late journeys, without, it seems, getting absolutely exhausted.
Click here for a slightly naughty joke.