Posts by DMC:
3 July 2012
Another week, which I suspect will be like any other , except I will have to accept that having to use this new hoist combined with my worsening breathlessness, my physically active life is visibly shrinks. I’m beginning to assume the role of a genuine invalid – no trousers, until we can resolve the problem with the sling hoist; a comfortable-rug – purchased from the shop at Addenbrooke’s Hospital for £2.99. How can the Chinese, or anybody else for that matter, make a profit at that price? I’m not feeling sorry for myself just acknowledging the reality of my diminishing life. Whether I will manage to get to the golf club, on Tuesday, as regularly as I had hoped will depend on how I manage the next time I go. Certainly my days at Lord’s, are numbered. I just pray I make my birthday on 18 August. I suppose I still have the possibility of the odd lunch at The Cricketers next door . Otherwise, my daily routine will be predictably as follows. An early session with ‘my lovely’; breakfast and shaving before the carers come in to get me up, then hoisted onto the commode for my morning shower and to attend to any other urgent business! Dried, dressed and medicated I am then dumped into my study chair where I will be wired up on both hands and there I will remain until hoisted onto the commode at midday, should I require it. otherwise left seated in this chair until 6.30.
How do I pass the day.? Most of the morning, until midday, is taken up with this blog, answering e-mails and attending to other business matters. Then, after an early lunch. I have the choice of reading; listening to some uplifting music from my 6000 odd tracks transferred from my iPod or watching a film or documentary on my laptop. At six o’clock the carers appear once again to get me ready for bed after which I have my supper and what’s left of the evening will be spent chatting to ‘my lovely’ or watching something on the box until the 8.30 carer comes in to wheel me through to bed.
I suppose I shouldn’t complain as, unlike other invalids I don’t feel ill (except for the last two or three days when I have felt sick at suppertime.) Apart from anything else, my laptop opens a window onto the world from which I am able to find sufficiently interested entertainment for me not to get too bored., Last week and this, for example, I have had wall-to-wall tennis from Wimbledon. Thank heavens I do not get depressed. So that leaves me when I started, almost 5 years ago, determined to live for the day. (Carpe diem).
I hear from my Darling daughter Chloe about the achievements of my three lovely grandchildren and cannot help feeling a tiny bit envious of the 80 or 90 years ahead of them. I would love to know what scientific , technological and physical changes , what inventions and discoveries , will be made over this period of time .
2 July 2012
As a result of the introduction of the sling hoist yesterday and all the ensuing chaos that it caused, we had the whole of the A team here this morning at 7.30. First of all the two Paulas from Ross Nursing turned up to give me my shower, dress me etc. Hard on their heels […]
1 July 2012
Two new dramas – everything which disrupts my daily routine now seems to be a drama! First of all, there was a new night sitter introduced to the team . I think it is all about Wendy being on holiday. Anyway, this new gentleman carer, Jan – believed to be of Dutch origin – apparently […]
31. June 2012
Our normal morning routine was broken this morning by the arrival of Harriet, the head of Ross Nursing, who came to check up on how we were getting on using use the standing hoist. She had received a couple of notes of concern from some of the carers come here on a regular basis. – […]
29 June 2012
An early call first thing to my stepfather, Richard wishing him a very happy birthday. Paul Richard hasn’t really got to grips with the video call on Skype, so after two or three attempts we settled for the good old-fashioned telephone! Anyway, good health, happiness and a long life to Richard. He is a star, […]
28 June 2012
Sadly, I had no choice today, but to cancel my trip to Lord’s tomorrow for the one-day match against Australia. After the episode following the trip to the golf club on Tuesday it is quite clear that I am considerably weakened and dare not risk being taken ill in London and rushed into some hospital […]
27 June 2012
My main preoccupation this morning, after I’d finished writing my blog, was centred on the continuing saga of the commode. (See 21st June entry). I know this is pretty basic stuff, but put yourself in my shoes and hopefully you will understand how it assumes such importance. One of my carers from Ross Nursing told […]
26 June 2012
At last a dry and reasonably warm summer’s day falling on Tuesday. Alice was adamant that I should not go to the golf club for lunch without my respirator. I was convinced, however, on the other hand, that it was totally unnecessary but went along for the sake of harmony. I had originally thought that […]
25 June 2012
The news came through late last night that the Muslim candidate for president of Egypt, Mohammed Murmi had narrowly beaten the incumbent Christian, Mubarak. Is this apocalyptic news that will change the balance in the Middle East? Although this president has resigned from the Black Muslim Brotherhood can we take it that this means he […]
24 June 2012
The day after the Clavering Fete is traditionally Rose Day. ‘My lovely” has entered various categories for the last three years and on each occasion has been placed in the first three. This year, the weather has been so foul that the roses are not as advanced as they should be and where they have […]