6 September 2010

Posted by DMC on 6 September 2010 in Diary |

6 September 2010

I got to the bottom of the swingeing reduction in my pension payments, by ringing the Inland Revenue.  Apparently, it’s all to do with a tax change resulting from my SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension)  kicking in last August.  Just to cheer me up the tax inspector told me that an assessment was on its way for underpayment of several thousand pounds.  This, on the day when it was announced that the Revenue had made errors in  millions (?)  taxpayers assessments which will result in them having to make  substantial refunds.  I just hope it turns out that I am one of them.

Still no  Toshiba so I decided to go into battle direct with them rather than getting through the MND Association.  It will be three weeks tomorrow since the laptop was  returned to them with a promise to try to turn it round within 10 days.  I spoke to a customer services agent who explained that the 10 day offer is subject to’ unforeseen circumstances and availability of spares’..  The spares for this bog standard laptop were apparently not available and had to be ordered from Germany.  In the first instance the customer service agent was unable to give me any idea when those spares would be delivered and the repair affected.  As the spares are basic components I find this very hard to accept, and told him so.  As I did not hear back from the customer services agent, as he had promised (no wonder he refused to give me his family name) I called again this ofternoon to be informed that the spares  had arrived and I could expect the laptop to be returned ‘shortly’, but could not be given anything more definite than that..

The lovely OT, Sarah Moss, came to demonstrate the hoist today but unfortunately the battery was not sufficiently charged so she will return for the demonstration on Thursday.  This was a precaution on my part as I have a sinking feeling that we may need to use it sooner rather than later.  We also discussed the electric wheelchair which I have already driven and presumably is being retained for me.  ‘My lovely’ is anti-as I think she believes I will use it like a go-cart and knock down some poor innocent child in the street.  However, I’m glad to say that Sarah was on my side and agreed that it would give me a degree of independence which the manual wheelchair would not.  Alice was quite reasonably concerned that I would not be able to control the direction of the chair with my dead hand and weakened arm.  However, as I was aware, and Sarah confirmed, I will be able to control the direction using my chin, or some  means. other than my hands, which I think placated Alice.  I think we will probably have the wheelchair delivered shortly and ramps fitted at the front door and the step up from the bedroom to the bathroom so that we are ready when the necessity arises.  The only area remaining which causes are some concern is the bathroom.  At present I can be lifted by ‘my lovely’ from the loo using the lifting belt but it is not going to get any easier and that could come a time when this will be too much for one person. (Only last week, Jane there Sheep had to call for help from outmanned in the kitchen from the local pub. Jane claims it is more difficult for her and for Alice as she is not so tall.).  There is also the business of the shower.  At present I can stand leaning on the but gutter frame when I wheelchair-bound I will need to use the special plastic bathroom chair, provided by the NHS, but  how to get in and out of it?.  The solution for both of these potential problems could be a horizontal hoist which Sarah is going to look into.  Again not immediately necessary but better to be prepared.

Whilst on medical issues I should mention that I received today a long letter from the NHS dental service concerning the unsatisfactory nature of my visit to the Saffron Walden Community Hospital dental department in July.  I now have to make a formal complaint which I am prepared to do for the benefit of others who might find themselves in the same position.  They have also kindly agreed that I can have a domiciliary visit to have my teeth descaled, for which I am truly grateful…


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